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getting my bench up

Bench 2-3 times a week with a shitload of volume.
Lots of back work.
Tighten up your bench set up.

Drop squat and deadlift, do sheiko bench only.

Prepare for mad bench gains

Yeah cheers fellas, I've seen a sheiko bench focussed program on another forum and I might give that a go.

I was hesitant to give Sheiko a go cause even though people like Spritcha recommend it these same people have delts bigger than my chest... which is why I thought it was more for advanced trainees, and I'd benefit from something with a high rep/hypertrophy slant.

But the more I train instinctively the more I leave room for accidentally doing less somehow, in volume, effort, intensity, whatever. Sheiko at least makes sure you're always doing more (from what I can see).

The more I read on training the more confused I get too, was reading threads like this Muscle Fiber Conversion: A Reality? - Bodybuilding.com Forums on muscle fibre types and yeah... confusing.

I'm not lacking in effort or diet at the moment and still getting shit gains. Need something proven.
Less thinking, more lifting. Plenty of guys at PTC Brisbane have embraced sheiko and gotten awesome results, some guys use the PTC PPP program, some use smolov.

The best program is the one you put the most effort into. Try them all and see how you go .
I put in effort... only posting cause lots of effort = less results than I see others get...

Shitty feeling busting your ass for ages with no gain. Maintaining is still positive though, I guess.
sheiko bench only will work for noobs and advanced a like. If your primary goal is to increase your bench as quickly as possible, it is an absolutely fantastic program.