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My mate showed me this flyer that he got given the other day by some guy in a shopping centre that said FOOTBRAWL in big letters, he explained it to me that the guy came up to him and said here is something u might be interested in handing him the flyer. maybe it has to do with the sleeve of tattoos and rough look about him haha...

So i read the flyer and as i understand the game to be a mix of rugby and mugby.. directed at martial arts practioners where the aim isnt so much about scoring trys but a big sparring session with little or no rules involded

Which reminded me of a game we used to play at school we called "E" E for everthing which was played with a tennis ball and was pretty much an excuse to hurt others i tried looking for a website as its a local thing in my area but i couldnt find anything so its pretty underground in the beenleigh area which im not suprised about been a rough area of soughts made me wonder though if anything like this is going on in your area?
oh yer i found this vid as an example
YouTube - Footbrawl has Landed !

It seems cooler in theory but its kinda s h i t i reckon although it was more fun to watch the little kids go at it. maybe if i was playing myself it would be cool and fun.
Wow... it looks so incredibly messy.

I'd like to be the goalie and wield the big stick
yer Katie immediately went for the weapon, thats saying something about her hehehe
Yep, she is smart.

I prefer "E" Chris. It was way better than this, no padding either. I remember when that got banned at our school.
It was british bulldogs we played at school. You just had to make it to the other side alive.
WTF watching the vid, with the guy going for the arm bar!! haha
We had a few broken noses and arms, that was the end of it. The basic way the game was played was that there were 2 teams and you had a tennis ball. You just had to hold onto the tennis ball for as long as you could. Like Chris said, it was basically an excuse to smash people. Ah being a kid was fun.
That video is ridiculous! Check out 1:34, that guy gets kicked in the side of the head and he isn't even going for the ball!
Stuff that
That arm bar was completely unnecessary...but I must admit it was amusing that the guys tackle backfired so bad he ended up in an arm bar haha.
That game must be so hard to ref! I wonder what the actual rules are. If there are any
yep they banned bulldogs at my school too , tripping , clotheslines , crash and tackle ah it was all fun
Was it ever.Tried to make us all a bunch of wimps.Tried to make us play Charlie over the water instead.That was just so gay.
yer the vid is pretty gay i reckon its just a bunch of tkd poofs using there fancy kicks this could be way better then it is!
That looks like a complete mess.....Where Can I Try It!!?? Imaging what the coaches must say? "Its not about winning or losing boys...its how much you hurt the other guys " Is it only tea-kwon-do techniques allowed? if so that sucks but Id still give it a try.