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Food molecules and their affect on weight loss

Weren't any fatties at auschwitz. Cept the blondies in uniforms.

I didn't see any fat ****s when I was in laos 'cept for tourists and corrupt border guards.

Very rare to see fat steel fixers, only ever seen 1 fat scaffolder, never see fat pile cappers and those ****s live on cans of coke.

Calories in vs calories out. Pretty fucking simple.

Sedentary lifestyle just acts as an accelerant for shitty food choices.

I've seen shitloads of fat scaffys.. They are strong fat fuckers though who just happen to eat a shitload of pies.
I've seen shitloads of fat scaffys.. They are strong fat fuckers though who just happen to eat a shitload of pies.

Rig and camp life you feed them too well lol.

I used to see alot of fat bricklayers. Fucked md how tgey coukd get like that slinging blocks all day.

Mmmmm PO - TA - TO
Late night sneaky cheese burgers...

Under counting calories and hiding it...

I was addicted to maccas double quarter pounder large meals for 2 weeks....

Every night after leaving my mates i would go past maccas on the way home and get the large meal, drive around the corner and demolish the prick

I loved it down to the last bite

was i surprised when i put on like 5kg in that time...... NO cause i was a fat fuck sneaking in a 3500 calorie meal at the end of each day after eating around 3000+ calories during the day ontop with no exercise what so ever.

Do i blame the fat gene, NO i blame ,my lack of self ocntroll for the OH so tasty double quater pounder

*Take me to you leader* all hail the double QP