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fat Burner/Thermogenic question


New member
My gf is looking for something.
Does anything actually work? labels obviously say they do.

She has a good diet, Low carbs, low fat etc
Does large amounts of cardio/weights but has plateaud.

any help would be great.

Need more info.
Low fat, low carb mean nothing if total calorie intake is high.
Large amounts of cardio are a concern as well as she would be losing LBM.

Fix these 2 problems first then maybe look at introdicing some Green tea tabs and L-Carnitine.
These can be purchased in bulk.

I have lost 12kg with zero cardio.
eats healthy.
Actually from what she tells me she's in ketosis right now and has been for a week.
Said she's taking only about 10-20 grams of carbs per day

she does compound weights. 2 pull 2 push and core. 5 days a week.
high reps.
20 mins tredmill. intervals of 5 mins run and then 5 walking
Then does 20 mins on cross trainer.
eats healthy.
Actually from what she tells me she's in ketosis right now and has been for a week. Has she checked this with keto sticks?

she does compound weights. 2 pull 2 push and core. 5 days a week.
high reps. Why high reps?
Hard to tell without knowing her daily diet, her weight, stats etc. Maybe she trains with little intensity, she may just go through the motions, I don't know.
Mate eats healthy meNs nothing. Apples are healthy but if i eat 50 a day im gong to have problems..

Low fat? Why define low?
Low fat is a meaningless term sugar is low fat and fat is low sugar.. Without values its all meaningless.

There are a couple of studies on green tea extract most are published studies by companies trying to sell products..

Most you will see is a 50 calorie difference... Since fat is 9000 cal per kg you see it is expensive for not much gain... You could easily burn more calories a better way.

Also why high reps? This seems tombe a big fad with women... High reps low intensity.

Please post diet and full training with weights used.
Posted via Mobile Device
yeh she checked with ketosticks.

she does low weight cause she doesnt wanna gain muscle.
She has been trying to super set everything and have minimal rest between sets.

She's just keen to try a thermo out but yeh. everything says it's going to work. And promise the world.

Lol dont let her touch weights she will turn into a man.

WHy doesnt she want to gian muscle is she much happier gaining fat?

Since muscle controls and drives your basic metabolic function..

It is also denser then fat...

Time to get her educated on a few things..

1. Crossfit chicks are hot
2. Skiiny chicks are ugly
3. men like curves
4. exercise doesnt turn you into a mass monster anyone who thinks so is just a bit loopy
5.Her androgen levels are so low she will never be a monster
6.Her training is probably everything she is doing wrong..

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she seems to think if she does heavier weights she will be massive overnight.
its hard to tell her otherwise
diet as of the last 2 weeks
1 peice bacon
1 egg

tuna can or 150 chicken

steak 200 grams
veg. spinach, brocolii and onion.

arvo snack wall nuts

as far as workout goes
cardio as above

4x20 lat pull
4x20 chest press machine
4x20 shoulder press
4x20 seated row
sit ups, leg raises, prone bridge

this is a rough idea what she does and her diet.
Epic fail work out...

Im going to the shops will report back with more infomation later..

Lets get your mrs fit!
the problem is.. hahaha she's fit and a babe.
she;s just harrasing me to post stuff to try find out about how to lose more weight.
she seems to think if she does heavier weights she will be massive overnight.
its hard to tell her otherwise
See I knew there was more to it.
She will struggle with this attitude. Do not get any fat burners as they will be wasted with improper attitude.
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the problem is.. hahaha she's fit and a babe.
she;s just harrasing me to post stuff to try find out about how to lose more weight.

Does she want to loose weight or fat? Big difference mate...

Girls have this scale obsession.. ANd "thin" obsession..

Drop kick keira knightly for kim kardashian any day!
she wants to lose fat and be more toned.
She is a small girl and think she's gained a few kgs since over the past few years.

Im telling her 1 kg of this is fake boobs.

But yeh she does go the gym heaps and she just wants to lose a bit of body fat.
Well what she is dong isnt working so time to try something proper.

You keep saying she has gained kg on scales has she gained fat or just gotten heavier
Posted via Mobile Device
Man show her the crossfit hotties (do not tell her what they do yet) then wait till she says yeah I want to look like that then show her what they do. That should help getting her into a better exercise program and destroy some of the notion about getting massive. Try to make the girls the ones that are not lifting at the time but have some of them lifting in reserve after you show her what they do. Also I take no responsibility if you get in trouble for looking at pics of hot chicks.