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Oni, sports like AFL and NRL have testing so players don't bring the sport into disrepute by being dickheads high as kites.

Can someone tell me why GPC don't drug test. Is it just the cost or are they stuffed with the whole circle jerk of drug testing?

That's totally loads...

You can't blame PA for the drug testing rules. That's ASADA. PA has to submit to what they ban.

The other rule I believe is mostly ASADA as well.
Cannabis: Reason for being banned = it artificially relaxes you and gives you better sleep
The truth: REM sleep when high is incredibly poor and you get better sleep just closing your eyes and meditating for 8 hours (actual fact)
Meanwhile z-drugs which give you perfect sleep are not on the tested list

WADA, not even once

Costs a fortune.
No government funding like PA.
Already a tested fed, don't need 2.

Already been covered.

Proper drug testing is ridiculously expensive but I don't think that GPC want to test anyway, and I'm not just refering to Australia. The fed is globally untested.
why do you need to lift in multiple feds though? why play for two football teams at once?

if your going to get tested you may as well get tested for everything

really? i watched some vids of some GPC lifters, the girls benches were pretty much touch and go, no definite pause. let alone some of the high squats iv seen pass.

PAs rules are over the top for a reason, for an even playing field.

why is it that the second someone mentions 2 different feds in the same thread it turns into a shit storm?
That's totally loads...

You can't blame PA for the drug testing rules. That's ASADA. PA has to submit to what they ban.

The other rule I believe is mostly ASADA as well.

I like to joke and I'm not really bashing IPF but WADA/ASADA or whatever really rustles my jimmies. I just don't like being drug tested, I'm not sure anyone does. I'm not even certain the testing works at all, it just seems to criminalise recreational drug takers

Knee wraps as raw I don't really care about but I'd like to put up wrapless and wrapped totals and don't really want to compete against "fully" equipped guys in single ply. Lots of people like to just use a belt and knee wraps so it's pretty silly to ignore that. GPC pretty much lets you wear whatever, don't think they have multi-ply tho
Because idiots like you post rubbish callan.

I was at a PA meet where a guy broke a national record on the bench.
Head off bench by 2 inches AND the bar dipped an inch AFTER the press call.

It got 3 whites.

I won't even start on what I heard about the Vic comp.

Mistakes happen in ALL Feds.

If you have nothing of value to add to the OP, stop posting shit. This goes for you to Oni, stop stirring him.
We are not talking about rules.

If the shit carries on, I will lock the thread.

Where they GPC Australia lifters? In Aus the rules are a lot more tight. I'm not getting into this debate anyway because I have my own standards that I adhere to and it involves IPF rules.

Also why not compete in multiple feds? I want to be able to compete anywhere at any time I like... There is a CAPO deadlift comp this weekend which I would have gone to if I had known about it sooner. Was there a GPC or IPF deadlift comp that fit in nicely around my training cycle? No... I'm a fairly casual lifter, I will be peaking for one meet a year but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to do random meets throughout the year when they fit around my life, work, family etc

GPC is multi-ply too.

And if wraps can give you an extra 50kg to your squats (which isn't unheard of) then everybody who wants to be competitive will wear them. A lot of people disagree with them being raw because of the potential for epic carryover.

Its not a matter of ignoring whether people want to wear wraps, its more that the majority do not want them.
Why is GPC picking up so much momentum if people don't like the raw rules then?

Seems like an odd thing to say Ben.
If you have nothing of value to add to the OP, stop posting shit. This goes for you to Oni, stop stirring him.
We are not talking about rules.

If the shit carries on, I will lock the thread.

I think we are well beyond the OP now but some of the discussion is still worthwhile, even if to correct a few of 0ni's misconceptions. Hold off on locking if you could please sir.
Do I think testosterone is safer than alcohol? 100%

I may have understood you wrong... But it reads that your crediting my gains to ped use because they seem large.
Where you not?

With great gains comes great responsibility. Whether you are or aren't PED driven, I looked for your stance on the matter as a high profile lifter and you have now qualified your stance. Might this evolve into policy?
no ones likes being tested, but you do it simply to prove your numbers are legit

they dont ignore that, just if you use wraps, you compete against guys who are equipped, because wraps are equipment, its your choice if you dont want to get in a suit, but to open up a whole new section, of 'squats with wraps and raw bench and dead' would be stupid, between raw, half equipped and full equipped everyone would hold a record lol it would be a joke
>someone wants to be competitive and put up a wrapless total so they lift in PA
>same person wants to be competitive but wear wraps so they do a GPC meet

This is why you have different feds, seems retarded to stop people competing in more than one