OldManMuscle has learned something today. I haven't bought protein powder for decades but man it's become cheap. It used to be a major rippoff but I guess there's a lot more competition and sales these days. So at my local hypermart today I bought a 3kg tub of 80% protein for just $114. That's 2400 grams or around 100 small serves! I'm not buying cottage cheese for the dairy source in my post-workout shakes anymore.
And eggs. Yep, it's half as expensive to buy the frozen egg whites than the equivalent amount of whole fresh eggs. And no hassle with shelling the little fuckers. So, I'll be rounding out my whey-based protein shake with about 10 grams of microwaved egg whites.
On the other hand, brocolli is around $8/kg! (not that I'd ever put that in a protein shake ...)