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EFX test charge


New member
Ok so im getting to the point in my life when the test just isnt in abundance.
Tried trib with ok but maybe placebo type results,
Giving gen-tec ultimate male fuel a crack at the moment with great pumps and energy during my workout but it makes me feel kinda weird like im reving on caffiene afterwards.
SO NOW ive found test charge by EFX, havnt bought any yet and like everything i take im doing research first. It says the breakthrough ingredient is something called TAXADRAL, ive searched for info on it and found NOTHING so was hoping someone could enlighten me,
Has anyone taken test charge or known anyone that has??
It's a breakthrough ingredient because it will make them money, I highly doubt it works.

Try an aromatase inhibitor rather than a test booster, might have better results.
It's a breakthrough ingredient because it will make them money, I highly doubt it works.

Try an aromatase inhibitor rather than a test booster, might have better results.

So by taking an aromatase inhihitor such as arimidex it will up my test or just stop some of it turning to that evil estrogen? either way sounds better than having what ive got.

Oh and im 37.

Cheers mate thanks for your help, Ill get onto that stuff straight away.

Quick question,, If i start taking it regularly and for some reason run out at some stage will i get a sudden increase of estrogen and grow moobs or will it slowly increase and i wont notice much till i get back on it?
I don't think that will happen but nothing is certain when playing with hormones.

You need to cycle this stuff anyway. 8 weeks on and minimum of 4 weeks off. Only $40 per bottle, worth a try.
Get your bloods done - from test to estrogen to cortisol to t4 to t3 to ft3 to as much as you can get from your doctor...

Then if stuff is low try to fix it...

Your 37 so why not go on gear?
Gear? Because if theres a natural way to do it ill give that a red hot crack first and the fact that ive suggested it to all the doctors in my area only to get the rub off saying i couldnt possibly need that.
Beats me why its so easy for a woman to get on hormone replacment but for a bloke its like asking for the devils phone number.

Your age it isn't a problem.

As you get older leydig cell function starts to fail and your genetic optimal hormone balance is downregulated.. Everything from testosterone to cortisol pregnenolone an thyroid hormones, aromatase increases also...

I would get labs draw every year and try to stay at optimum.

Get labs draw every year? Do you mean full bloods done?

I think its wrong that us blokes are made to feel like freaks if we even suggest that a hormone replacment may be needed. Like i said before, for a woman to walk in and ask for therapy is no biggy or even a female that wants to become a man can walk in have a bit of counseling and get onto a sustained treatment of test just to make her a man because she thinks she was a man born into a females body??? What about the guys that grew to giant stature with no muscle mass and got a hard time because they "got dirt kicked in their face" and now want to maintain a healthy life of working out to encourage their own self confidence and mental well being?? is that not good enough because the general public and skinny politician is intimidated by it??

Sorry for the rant its just a subject that really gets me going sometimes..

Not always... I have been trying to get my mothers health on track as of late. (you know you cant be aprophet in your own home) However i sent her to the local GP clinic with a referal letter to have a few things investigated. Suprise suprise she left being told that he could give her anti depressants to boost her mood and a drug to stop her sweats (peri menopause).

Now... Of course lets not look for problems lets just pop out SSRI's like candy. This seems to be the professional medical model when any sort of "down" mood is experienced. Lets not look at the facts and try to draw a conclusion based on symptoms and sugest appropriate tests. I myself have come to the conclusion after many many various GP's professionals and the health "care" system in general, unless you are near death then no one really cares.

To cut a long story short i ordered my own labs for my mother suprise suprise hormone problems and hypothyroidism... Now if someone bothered to listen to actual symptoms then investigate the problem rather then asuming any person who isnt happen needs brain receptor modulating.

Its insane... I experience it myself, go in to speak about my gut problerms (i have tests regarding this) i am told to relax and its all in my head. 1 Dr even told me i didnt have a hormone problem (e2 was above range test was under).

In regards to the other point. People have been brianwashed by our current way of life, we are pushed and pushed to go on drugs we need drugs for all of lifers problems, pain drugs, cough drugs... Performance enhancement? No drugs will kill you? No one seems to be able to see the logic here...For 1 simple reason there isnt any. No i agree that it is not 100% safe but the benefit to risk ratios is almost non existant when not abused. Infact low levels of hormones cause more damage then a bit more then normal... So as you can see it makes no logical sense.

This isnt like snorting coke and flooding the brain with dopamine downregulating dopamine receptors fucking with brain function. I agree drugs ar enot good and we need to eliminate them as best we can from kids ,teens young adults as I am someone who believes we should have optimal performance from our bodies not run it into the ground. Some people might think that is biased because steroids are drugs and bad. Well nothing is further from the truth. Steroids are natural aoccuring substances designed for a purpose and when not abused can be used very safley with little ot no side effects, just check the medical literature. The "risks" are simply not there and this is with uneducated dosaging of upwards of 800mg testosteorne a week with no aromatase inhibtor or anyway to combat oestradiol. (the main problem with "abuse" and cause of problems).

Sorry i went on a bit of a rant there. I just think every man and woman should have the right to check for problems and implement a strategy to rectify it if there is one.
Stretch and Christian

I could not agree with you both more.

I am 40 years of age. I have been doing weights for over 20 years and boxing for about 10 years.

At around 34 I was starting feeling aches and pains. I was mentally and phsyically fatigued. I felt depressed. My libido was not what it was. When I went to the gym I really had to push myself to go when years ago I loved going to the gym. I remember the last time I was sparring in the boxing ring after 2 rounds I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My strength and fitness declined quite rapidly. Where was I was becoming less and less fit no matter how much I trained. I use to take pride in how fit I was and sparred and trained with some boxers with coaches and other boxers complimenting me on my stamina. So it was quite disheartening when one boxing coach accused me of laziness when I was simply exhausted and was hitting the wall much earlier in my training.

When I asked a doctor if he would test my Testosterone levels he was quite irritated like as if I asked him for his wifes phone number. This was when I had depression and before all the physical symptoms started to hit. But when the phsyical side effects started I had a testosterone test that showed my levels were low. I had another test which confirmed that. I was put on testosterone tablets which initially alleviated some symptoms such as aches and pains they vanished.

But my levels of testosterone only went to the low normal range. I was then given injections and my levels fluctuated from low normal range to low. I was getting an injection once every two weeks. Then with Reandron once every three months.

I have stopped taking injections as I want to try to bring my levels up to high normal range with supplements, exercise and diet.

You are right Stretch I have had some marvellous doctors where others the minute you mention hormone replacement look at you as if you asked him/her where they keep the heroin.

I went to 2 endocrinologists one who was a bitter old fool who would not feel out of place practicing in the middle ages the second who was better telling me that the ranges of testosterone are not really set in stone. Example when I started taking hormone replacement the ranges where 12 - 38 testosterone then they changed to 8.3 - 29.

Some doctors seem to dismiss it. But alas I am not a timid person concerning my health and when I meet one of these doctors I tend to talk down to them. Sarcasm tends to piss them off.

Its seems in the Western world that males are not really welcome. I have felt the discrimination when asking for testosterone and I cannot understand why there would be. A woman asking for hormones is ok but a make asking for hormones is treated as a leper.

Male andropause not only effects men in their 40s and above but those in their 30s and even 20s. But most doctors when a young man walks into their office complaining of fatigue, aches and pains and feeling down and more likely to give them anti depressants other than doing any actual work in finding the problem. And some dismiss the effects of testosterone altogether.

The laziness and outright hostility in the some parts of the medical profession has shocked and angered me. They are so gung ho at prescribing mind altering drugs than getting off their ass to doing some work.
You'd probably get a better response if you didn't talk down to your doctor. I know if I spent 7 years learning medicine I would want respect from my patients. If you don't want an old school doctor, go to a young one.
in all honesty, Cletus i suppose if you have a dr who understands the problem then it is easier to speak to them.

I had testosteorne under lab range and was told i was fine... (whats wrong with these people?)

Where are you located?
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The Gift to Lift

I not rude until they are rude. And I dont expect doctors to know every detail about every condition. But when they become abrasive I tend to become a little impatient with them. And when they dismiss the effect and rather give me mind altering drugs then I become irritated. Which is a symptom of low testosterone.

I am located in Canberra.

I am doing everything that I possibally know to increase my test levels of which I suspect have always been on the low side.

I am located in Canberra.

I am doing everything that I possibally know to increase my test levels of which I suspect have always been on the low side.

Then get them tested. Your 40 shouldnt be a problem.
I thought ATD (inhibit-e) was banned these days, like everything. If it is still legal 1 tab everyday is best.