From reading these threads i can see why creatine isint working. Nobody is taking it properly, Monohydrate needs to be taken with at least 30-40g of fast acting glucose with a GI of over 100. This is to promote a spike of insulin and drive the creatine effectively into the cells. Another factor is the ability of the body to absorb monohydrate, if any of you have ever taken creatine with water you will understand this. Simply put, it is poorly absorbed by the body on its own and especially with cold water. So the best way is to have it at body temp, 37 degrees. This way the walls of the stomach and intestines are more permeable to the creatine and this practice also increases rate of absorbtion as the stomach doesnt need to warm the water up. This is why products like Muscle Tech 'Cell Tech' have excessive amounts of maltodextrose and are advised to be drank with room temp water. This way you dont need to load it and it shouldnt upset your gut.
Furthur more what does everyone think creatine actually does? It only makes more creatine phosphate avalibale in the ATP-Pcr cycle of anaerobic power. So you may get an extra couple of reps out, And yes you do build up at tolerance to it. This is why its always advised to cycle 6-8weeks on 4 weeks off.
Remeber this is the most widley reasearched supplement ever, and has been proven time and time again in clinical studies. Futhermore it is the only supplement endorsed by the Australian Institute of sport.