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eccentricless leg training


Well-known member
So I know that sled dragging, prowlers etc. are all the rage for eccentricless leg training. Would cycling be considered the same thing? I understand that there are differing levels of intensity with cycling though.

I was thinking about this yesterday as it was a rest day for me and I went unicycling. These are fixed drive and a very short crank so basically I can only get about 200m or so before my legs just burn out.

Yeah i would be interested in this as well, as i try and get out for a mountain bike as much as i can and find my legs will be the ones that give out before the ole lungs do even with gears, where i can is quite hilly and once you add in there some pace i dont last too long....
I'm an ex cyclist and I find weighted sled drags to be very similar to doing high intensity interval training on the bike.

I also get a good carry over for short efforts back on the bike, or maybe that's all the squatting Im doing
My quads were pretty decent when I was age 17/18 and had been cycling hard every day for the previous 7 years. I didn't even lift then. Will post a pic later
My quads were also pretty decent from just moderate cycling (I lived in NZ though, so lots of hills, and my idea of moderate was 50km..)
Yes cycling is mostly eccentricless.

The eccentric part of the movement is the one that causes the most DOMS. That's the reason I've heard some people train it more.

And of course there are different intensities. Riding uphill is more intense than riding along a flat. Also gears.
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My quads were also pretty decent from just moderate cycling (I lived in NZ though, so lots of hills, and my idea of moderate was 50km..)

Yep, I was doing 25km sessions twice a day for many years. Not hilly in England though.

2007 age 17
IMO it's very good as you recover from it fast
It's not a replacement for squatting