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Eating every hour

past 2 days ive had 8 meals a day.. its pretty good.. the meals are small so only takes 5 minutes. i defiantely feel hungrier though. and ive noticed im a lot more fidgety. like always tappin my foot or doin sometihn
No way I'd eat 8 meals a day on a cut... 2000 calories divided by 8 meals, that's 250 calories per meal, I'd never be satisfied lol.

When I'm eating like 3500 calories though, I prefer it split it up a bit more though, 5-6 so that I don't have to stuff myself each meal.
Been doing this since tues now - Iam def liking the effects already - I def feel harder and def feel Iam increasing my metab - Iam more hungry which I feel is a good thing - I have not decreased my calories only split them up more - so Iam not hungry because Iam eating less.

Hit 94kgs for the 1st time in about 4 yrs today - been struggling hard over the last few weeks to hit 94...and the only change I have made has been eating more meals - so maybe that has some connection. Training hasnt changed at all - still doing no cardio which I want to keep up as long as I can.

All in all I think this will work well if the last 4 days are anything to go by.

Lol. Are you serious. 3 full days. How can you draw any conclusions from that. You can feel your increased metabolism? You must be surely taking the piss.
Lol. Are you serious. 3 full days. How can you draw any conclusions from that. You can feel your increased metabolism? You must be surely taking the piss.

Yes you can def see changes within 3-4 days when you makes changes to your diet.

If you wanted some diet advice plz PM me.
Yes you can def see changes within 3-4 days when you makes changes to your diet.

If you wanted some diet advice plz PM me.

Lol so you are serious. 3 days, come on who are you kidding. My weight can change a couple kgs a day doing nothing different. And you said I talk some shit. You clam to feel your metabolism speed up?? Wtf.

Thanks for the offer but i hope you don't mind if i pass on the diet advise, I might die from dehydration from all the Broness. My diet is going fine at the moment, so are my lifts.
I dont think it would make any difference.

And it would be really annoying looking at clock all the time remembering to eat.

You do know what water weight is right? Weight gain/loss is really inaccurate unless you take an average over a week or more, 3 days isn't enough. You're feeling more hungry because you're eating less in each meal. It obviously works for you so keep doing it but it doesn't increase your metabolic rate and in increase in metabolic rate wouldn't make you feel more hungry either

What has water weight got to do with anything that I said?
Well if you drink a gallon of fluid a day + food then your weight is going to fluctuate 6-7kg a day and unless you're shitting as much as you're eating as soon as you eat it then you will get spikes in weight followed by huge drops. Weight increase or loss over 3 days just isn't accurate

If your weight is fluctuating 6-7kg per day then you have a problem lol.

My weight may go up 1-2kgs during the day. Weight is always taken 1st thing in the morning.

My diet is the same every day so I dont see huge changes in weight from day to day...if I was eating 6000 cals one day, then 3000 the next then 8000 the next with differing water intakes thats where it becomes hard to judge your weight loss or gain.

A litre of water weighs 1kg. The point I'm making is that your gains were as a result of months and months of sticking to the diet, not the 3 days of splitting up your meals into smaller portions
A litre of water weighs 1kg. The point I'm making is that your gains were as a result of months and months of sticking to the diet, not the 3 days of splitting up your meals into smaller portions

You have to remember iam pissing every 30min-1 hour. I can drink 6L in a day and bodyweight only increase 1kg.
You have to remember iam pissing every 30min-1 hour. I can drink 6L in a day and bodyweight only increase 1kg.

Lol. So all that extra water you supposedly need to drink is going straight through you. Why?? Because your body doesn't need that much water.