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Do you SUCK at Benching?

lmao that reminds me of this buffy forum that I saw before
I found it on google when looking for an actors name, I started looking around then after about 10 minutes I realised that the entire forum was just the same person replying to themselves lmao. There was 100,000+ posts and only one member on the forum. Just having conversations with themselves haha

I'll see if I can find it
When benching, how do you guys utilise the force of the feet 'spreading the ground' in the fully arched back position? If I am driving my feet to the ground, all that tends to happen is that my hips wanna rise, which is counterproductive. What is the cue to do it correctly so that I can transfer some of the force from my feet to actual lifting power?

Get your knees lower than your hips

stop thinking of it as spreading the ground and more just driving your heels into it, if you are locked in and tight your ass wont come up, as for leg drive off the cheast you should have constant pressure from your legs, so there shouldnt be a massive jult when you drive, your ass will be leas likely to come up i your applying constant pressure