I just eat as much of whatever I can cram into my mouth daily as I find it a challenge to put on weight. If I don't eat like its going out of fashion my weight plummets. The only thing I generally try to minimise is sugar and salt.
4-5 meals a day + 1-2 meal replacements.
Each meal 40-50 grams of protein, carbs and fats are balanced out to hit rough macro targets or hunger. If im hungry ill eat more, simple as that. Im not cutting so its really loose.
All meals are based on whole foods as much as possible.
Hitting about 250-300g of Protein, 300-400g of carbs and 110 grams of fat on most days.
If I dont have a plan its too easy to not eat.
I want your metabolism, I'd blow up like toad if I did that, be rollyn 4 chins within 3 weeks.
Low clean carb intake, with plenty protein is a must for me.
abd ny foid wgere
Dat dere phone, or fat fingers like moi?
A believer in the 'cant process over X protein per meal', or just spacing it out so you dont have to eat more protein per meal than you want to?