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Diamond Pharma

From what i've read they reckon for sus250 250mg to 500mg a week is a good dose, im at about 300mg.. first time on sus250 started out slow and now im cautious of gyno as my other post mentioned..

what do you reckon's a good dose mate?

I read that it was a 250mg dose for every 1ml of Sus250..?
From what i've read they reckon for sus250 250mg to 500mg a week is a good dose, im at about 300mg.. first time on sus250 started out slow and now im cautious of gyno as my other post mentioned..

what do you reckon's a good dose mate?

Look man everyones different, the majority of guys i know recommend 400mg to 500mg Test e or Test c or Sus250 pw for a first cycle. Then every now and then i'll hear some dude say 300mg pw is enough, but as far as i'm concerned it just isn't enough. What will happen is your natural testosterone production will completely shut-down and then your left with that small 300mg pw dose that your hoping will not only supply you with external testosterone, but will also give you steroid like gains.

Another option is to run say a small dose of test pw and have an oral alongside it, though you with your sensitive tits may want to give this one a miss.

Look on the bright side man, if you do grow massive breasts, you can then go Bra shopping and hang out in Underwear shops with chicks.

hahahaha man my mrs cans are big enough for the both of us.. maybe im just a paranoid C@# and its all in my head... shits just hard to come by and it screws with your cycle.
Yeah look man i have been through several different types of anxiety and paranoia over the years and yes it is definitely all in the head, well mine was. As for you, just because your nipples are a bit sensitive does not mean you will get gyno. I get sensitive nips all the time and i don't have gyno and i've been juicing on and off now for at least 8 years. Not one dude i know of has had gyno, well some guys were sus about it and they decided to run high dosed letro and as far as i know that cleared up their problems.
ALL Diamond Is fake in Australia.

Dear Memebers,

Im a partner in Diamond Pharma Group.

it is important for us to make sure you know that all Diamond Product that are sold in Australia is 100% FAKE.

If you doubt that im from Diamond Pharma - please contact us at our homepage and get it verified. (Diamond Pharma Group).

We have never exported for AU - and non of our resellers does. We have recieved several emails from australian people that have purchased Diamond Products - We asked all of them for pictures and then realised they are fake. (there have to be a UPC code on the label - (Unique product number). Without that it is fake.

We will invent a new design very soon with copyprotection - each product can be looked up online. We hope that will stop all theese counterfeits.

With this said! - we hope to be able to import for Australia soon.

We will make a thread about it on this board.

If you have any question for us - contact us at the email that is listed on our homepage please.

Have a nice day.

Sincerely DPG.

We do not intend to import for Australia illigal to make that clear.

If any products imported into Australia it will be done by one of the Distributers.