gday lads how just interested to know how much dextrose u take post workout for me its about 40g protein and 50g dextrose not really sure whats best
There are loads of differing opinions by people who have researched it a lot more than I have. Some believe due to protein being able to saturate cells (marked by no increase in protein synthesis with added insulin or protein) without the need of a high insulin spike that not ingesting carbs but ensuring enough leucine is present to promote just enough of an insulin response is all that is needed. So they may take a WPI with added leucine or EAA's with extra leucine to get this effect. These people are removing the glycogen replenishment and lowering of catchecholamines from the equation though and just focussing on the fact that protein synthesis is all important. But the when you look at the fact that an insulin increase also promotes a subsequent cortisol release they both play the opposites of each other BUT we only want insulin up and not cortisol BUT it's impossible to do. So maybe limiting insulin to just enough to get the maximal protein synthesis and a reduction in glucagon is best. Then without the extra increase in cortisol (which will be increasing anyway during exercise) you may be more anabolic than just going nuts with insulin. As you can see it is a pretty tough topic in theory as it really depends on how much hormone secretion you can get and how much the hormones interact with each other and cancel one another out etc. But glycogen restoration with a limited insulin increase may be a better idea in the end to promote lower cortisol but then again the insulin increase may cancel out the effects of cortisol enough to warrant its use. You would really need to research a lot into the latest studies to get this info and at the moment (I am doing my masters in Exercise Rehab so I am really working on musclo-skeletal stuff not endocrinology stuff at the moment) I do not have the time to delve further. It is something I would do later on though as it is a really finicky subject. That is why I suggested just doing whatever is within your means and keeps you consistent, as there are differing opinions that all make sense physiologically (theory).
So in summary the increase of Insulin needed depends on its affects on mitigating Glucagon secretion and Cortisol's effects while promoting protein and glycogen synthesis. Keeping your blood supplied with amino acids (glutamine and BCAA's especially) and glucose is also an important factor to keep cortisol's catabolic effects in hand is also important. Now if you took in EAA's and a small amount of glucose during your workout to keep your blood amino and glucose levels up this may mitigate some of cortisol's damage, something like 20g EAA's with 10-20g glucose sipped over the workout. A pre insulin spike will inhibit glucagon and promote insulin secretion which in turn would promote protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis and for this you may want 20-30g glucose and either 20g EAA's or 20g WPI. Post workout the replenishment of glycogen stores, mitigation of cortisol and continued promotion of protein synthesis is important so maybe a large insulin spike then is not as needed as pre workout. Just a side note Vitamin C supplementation (over 3 grams a day) is supposed to reduce your cortisol, so that may also be good to take in some Vit C PW. So you may want to take in 1-2g of Vit C, glutamine and BCAA's (either in a WPI or EAA complex or both together) and ingest 10-20g glucose.
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so lets say u took it 1hour or 30 min b4 a workout what would the point of that be why spike your insulin when ur not even in the gym yet thats just stupid during and or after training is the way to go