What % of your deadlift can you squat.
I've always stated that I work on weaknesses with my clients, and I believe there is a correlation here.
Looking at World Records is tricky because the best lifters wear assistance gear, which helps tremendously with your squat but not so much with your deadlift.
Most of you will find it amusing that of the 3 powerlifts, the 1000lb barrier was broken first in the squat, then bench press, followed last by the deadlift.
Speak to any lifter and there deadlift is higher than squat and bench.
I feel they should be very close. Grip may be an issue for races, like Maori's, Islanders and Hawaiins, but in the most part it should be close.
I discussed this in my recent newsletter, here are some examples.
Nick squats 91% of his deadlift 230/210
Max squats 81% 200/162.5
Little Nick squats 60% 192.5/115
Fat Dave squats 81% 215/175
Alen squats 75% 220/165
Kelly squats 69% 245/170
I consider anywhere above 80% as acceptable, anything lower means more work under the bar.
Whats your percentage?
I've always stated that I work on weaknesses with my clients, and I believe there is a correlation here.
Looking at World Records is tricky because the best lifters wear assistance gear, which helps tremendously with your squat but not so much with your deadlift.
Most of you will find it amusing that of the 3 powerlifts, the 1000lb barrier was broken first in the squat, then bench press, followed last by the deadlift.
Speak to any lifter and there deadlift is higher than squat and bench.
I feel they should be very close. Grip may be an issue for races, like Maori's, Islanders and Hawaiins, but in the most part it should be close.
I discussed this in my recent newsletter, here are some examples.
Nick squats 91% of his deadlift 230/210
Max squats 81% 200/162.5
Little Nick squats 60% 192.5/115
Fat Dave squats 81% 215/175
Alen squats 75% 220/165
Kelly squats 69% 245/170
I consider anywhere above 80% as acceptable, anything lower means more work under the bar.
Whats your percentage?