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Daily vitamin stack


New member
My bottles are running low and my wife and I will be doing another vitamin run soon. Right now, we take daily:

(after workout with our post-workout shake)
Swisse Wilf Fish Oil Concentrate: omega-3 1.036g, EPA 208.4mg, DHA 312.6mg
Vitamin C: 1g
Swisse Men's Ultivite "Formula 1": Too many to list

(Wife takes Women's Ultivite)

We're not taking anything like magnesium or zinc. I was thinking of taking some glucosamine after I started having some knee pains, but I did a little research and apparently there haven't been any conclusive results from double-blind studies that glucosamine actually helps joint problems.

I was also looking into the various testosterone boosters and fat burners available from online supplement stores, and I couldn't really find any that had positive results from double-blind studies either.

Alongside our daily vitamins, we also take WPC, Creatine, Beta Alanine, and Citruline Malate.
Take what ever vitamin you are deficient in. If you are not deficient you are just pissing your cash down the drain.
Wasting your cash. Few large scale studies point to higher rates of death in those taking artificial vitamin supplements.
Damn bro, that's expensive
Keep the fish oil, get ZMA from bulk nutrients
As long as your diet is mainly natural you'll be good though, if you're going to be low on anything, it will be folate

Also glucosamine doesn't work in people, only other mammals. I gave it to my doge with great results
I am a bit skeptical but I have noticed less colds and flus since I started taking a Multi a many years ago. Not sure I'd recommend it every day though - due to these other studies against it.
I am a bit skeptical but I have noticed less colds and flus since I started taking a Multi a many years ago. Not sure I'd recommend it every day though - due to these other studies against it.

A multi won't give you less cold and flus.

If you think your deficient in something get checked out and take that vitamin.
I have used a multi for years, I use the Swisse Men's as well, generally buy it when it's half price at Chemist Warehouse.

Also used to get the Men's Green also and take one at night, they just ran out last week, will probably get some more next time they are on special, or you can often bulk buy them on eBay for about $10-15 for 2 months supply:


Tried the Glucosamine and made no difference to anything joint related, so would not use it any more personally. From what I have read recently a lot of joint issues are diet related (unless injuries of course), inflammation often due to food intolerance, I leave that for you to investigate yourself.

I also take 6 1500mg fish oil daily.

I think the above covers the basics, most fat burners etc are a waste of $$ I would say.

I have tried ZMA from BN and found it made no difference, ran it for about three months and gave it away after that.

In the end not sure the vitamins do anything, but for a few cents per day I am happy to add them in, if one day I forget to take them I don't stress. These are only supplements, designed to supplement your diet and training.

So for me personally;

AM : Swisse Mens Multi & Fish oil

PM : Swisse Mens Green & Fish oil

Pretty basic really, and no I don't fear dying prematurely because of them, sounds like a retarded study..…it's like saying 100% of people who lift will die:rolleyes:
Pretty basic really, and no I don't fear dying prematurely because of them, sounds like a retarded study..…it's like saying 100% of people who lift will die:rolleyes:

So you have no idea of anything about the study, yet you say its retarded. You talk as much shit as Oni.
So you have no idea of anything about the study, yet you say its retarded. You talk as much shit as Oni.

Well have not seen you provide a link to any study, so obviously like most things that you claim, it will be another non event, where I would ask you for any evidence of your claim and you will resort to name calling and diversionary tactics to avoid posting up a link that does not really exist apart from in your mind.

So what did they do in the study?? They tracked people and waited for then to die in a double blind triple placebo 50 year experiment??I hope they tracked about 10000 individuals from birth to death and half were taking vitamins while the other half took a placebo and I hope all subjects involved in the study were from the same genetic gene pool, growing up under identical conditions, had the same amount of sleep, same diet, same exercise, and then obviously you would have to repeat the study to verify the findings:cool:See how retarded is is:rolleyes:
That's because you havn't looked for them, you probably missed all the ones showing no improvement in overall health too.
You know that you aren't actually taking the vitamins right, most of the time it's a similar molecule, or a vitamin molecule attatched to cyanide, mostly made from fossil fuel processing.
Mate just the opposite, yet to see one…

I'm tired of reading; this study says, that study states this.

Just use the force and feel your metabolism for fuck sake.

The thing that's going to kill you is when your heart stops beating.
Make the most of it.
A Cochrane review was done on the topic, covering around 260,000 individuals, confirming the results of all previous studies.

You can cry bad science or statistical manipulation or illuminati all you like, but it doesn't change the facts.
I'm tired of reading; this study says, that study states this.

Just use the force and feel your metabolism for fuck sake.

The thing that's going to kill you is when your heart stops beating.
Make the most of it.

If doing something gave you no benefit and took close to 10 years off your life span, would you continue doing it? Actually, most people are smokers and/or drinkers so i would think they actually would.