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Clean-ish Bulk


New member
Hey guys, trying to get my bulking diet ready for mid January, going to be a big off season!

I'm going to post up what i've come up with, and will take on all advice you guys have got!

I'll be having fish oils/flax seed oils through the day, JACK3D pre workout.. what other supplements should i look into?
whats your total bodyweight?

Other supplements would be creatine and a multi.

At about 72-3kg at the moment. I think 3500 might be a bit much for a bulk at that weight? I'm used to bulking at a heavier bodyweight and getting in lots of food, but now i'm a lot lighter/leaner would 3000 cals be enough?
I think you're safe at 3500. Really depends on your physical activity level. Its a good diet so good luck mate.
The way I see it is that your diet should always be the same weather bulking or cutting, only the quantities change.
Try not to eat too much processed food like breads and pasta etc etc

Good luck Dale.
The way I see it is that your diet should always be the same weather bulking or cutting, only the quantities change.
Try not to eat too much processed food like breads and pasta etc etc

Good luck Dale.

GI doesnt matter brah.
How tall are you. From your avatar (you look like your in pretty good shape and pretty lean) I'm guessing not tall?
Off the top of my head it has a few problems:
- GI and insulin response are not relative.
- Most GI values are determined in an overnight fasted state using isolated foods. this does not reflect real life.
- Glycemic load and GI are not proportional.
- GI obsession leads to less variety and therefore lower nutrient intake
Drop 2 slices of that bread in the morning and add eggs/eggwhites or some form of protein source to you breakfast and make up the cals. What weight do you want to get to? Find your goal weights maintenance calories and eat that.

As far as diets I've seen posted up lately, you're a mile ahead.
I think you're safe at 3500. Really depends on your physical activity level. Its a good diet so good luck mate.

cheers mate, i think i'll stick with 3500 cals a day, sounds like a good number

The way I see it is that your diet should always be the same weather bulking or cutting, only the quantities change.
Try not to eat too much processed food like breads and pasta etc etc

Good luck Dale.

Agreed mate, its pretty similar to my cutting diet, although protein shakes have been swapped with oat mass and giving myself the freedom of some carbs with my dinner

How tall are you. From your avatar (you look like your in pretty good shape and pretty lean) I'm guessing not tall?

6ft exactly mate, i think i'm at about 11-12% bodyfat at the moment

cheers mate, honestly breakfast is the only meal i wont have a lot of time to prepare and has to be one my less creative and quickest. Can bang the bread in the toaster while i shower and wash it down with a shake. Any other options instead of eggs mate?
I bulked from 73kg to 79kg at about 3000cals doing resistance training 2-3 times a week and 2-3 mma sessions a week. I don't believe I have a very quick metablolism though.

More protein for breakfast I reckon. If you don't have time for eggs I think a shake is probably the quickest option. Or maybe just add some ham to your toast?

Insulin is the enemy in terms of longevity and "health" as optimal goal...

In terms of muscle gain the opposite can be said, insulin to primed exercised muscles is alot different to adipocytes... Though its a fine line and do we really know how long the optimal window is for most muscle?

But yes GI is a bit of rubbish i agree in theory yes its good but nutella is low GI add fat to anything its low GI... GL is alot better but at the end of the day if your eating natural food this shit doesnt relaly matter.

I dunno. By limiting the muscle's use of glucose for fuel insulin resistance spares glucose for use by the brain and increases the use of fatty acids for fuel. Not that GH and clenbuterol are insulin resistant drugs.

I try not to think about this shit too much.
Where did the 80g of fat come from?

26g fat with dinner + 5g with toast + 7g oatmass + 7g oatmass + multi grain tortillas + all the milk in the day = 80.6g of fats

In that case, throw the eggs in your shake.

good thinking!, we have bucketloads of eggs at my house, eggs are something i completley forgot about when writing this diet up! i'll put 3 eggs in my morning shake

cheers mate much appreciated.. i'll put up a revised diet in a minute, wanna get this as good as i can!
Looking better??

Looks solid enough. You've decided on your training now, go eat, train hard and get your rest. You'll see results soon.