When you unpack, if you are set up tight and right then the bar will pop off the pins real easy. You will feel solid, in control and secure, no matter what the weight.
You will need to re-inflate just before starting the squat, just make sure that you don't let all your air out as that will have you go soft, and no one wants that. Right? Going soft before getting into the hole is a no no.
So, get super tight, unrack, step back (2-3 foot movements, no fussing like a cat in a litter box), let a bit of air out without relaxing your back, inflate your gut again then squat. Rinse and repeat for reps.
One cue that I add to all that is "knees out" both on the way down and up. Being set up tight does not guarantee a good floor spread, at least not for me, so push out both down and up.