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So I acquired a 2KG bucket of Celltech but I'm a bit unsure whether I want to touch the stuff.
I've heard a lot of bad things about it. Just wondering if someone could give me a rundown of the pros and cons.

I know it has a lot of sugar but that doesn't bother me, I'm taking shitloads of mass gainer anyway.

If Celltech isn't for me then I'm happy to sell it to someone on this forum for a good price.

Just use it mate - theres nothing wrong with it....what do you think the problem with it is?? lol...abit lost.

Its just dextrose and creatine...the ONLY reason ppl bag it is because its sooooooooooooooooo much $$$ for what it is.

I have used it a few times when I have got some for free off mates and stuff...and I think its a good product but can be bought/made by yourself for 1/4 of the price.

Exactly correct.

There is nothing wrong with it per se, it is just a massive wate of $$$ and it is all marketing bullshit.

But if I got some for free or samples of it, I'd definitely use it. I just wouldn't pay for it.
First thing that comes up on google..

cell-tech side effects? - Bodybuilding.com Forums

While most of that is jokes, I see a lot of people being serious when saying to stay away from it.
One of my mates also told me that it'll work while I'm using it, but once I'm off it I'll be weaker than before and my body will struggle create creatine.

LOL - mate mate mate mate mate!

All it is is creatine mono and dextrose - nothing at all to be worried about.

Ppl say stay away from it is because its $150 creatine and dextrose lol...when you can buy creatine for $20 and dextrose for $5 lol.

Your body will hold more water with this stuff and you will prob have some strength increase because of the creatine. Your mate is wrong - it will have nothing to do with stoping ur body having creatine or whatever.

Yea may see a strength increase on it like I said but thats purely because creatine gives you strength gains...once you come off you may go back to what you were lifting before the creatine...or you may stay at the same weights when on.
Fair enough. Thanks for the reply Sounds like it probably won't do much for me anyway. I'll stick to WPC for post-workout.

Would celltech work as a pre-workout? Otherwise I will probably sell it coz I've got no use for it.

Got a free thing of "Essential AMIN.O. Energy" too which I'm going to try out tonight. Looks like good stuff.
Just have the cell tech straight after training then 20-30 mins later have your protein.

Just use it mate.
For making your own equivalent, what ratio do you have for the Creatine Mono to Dextrose Mono, is it 1:1 so 50% of each?

Might make some in a few months if i feel like i need it, but interested anyway..

Also Dextrose can provide a small 'kick' in energy??

No way it would be 1:1.

It would be something like 5gms Mono and 30-50gms dextrose.
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I would just mix them when your making your shake i.e like shrek said 5-10g creatine with 30-50g dextrose.

If you mix it all together you will have no idea of how much your getting in each serve - one day could be 20g creatine 30g dextrose, next day might be 5g creatine 50g dextrose etc.

If mixed well, this shouldn't be a problem.
Assuming you blend for 5 or so minutes the mix should be well and truly homogenised, which means an equal spraed of every ingredient.

To make your own Cell Tech, I'd simply buy 4kg of detrose and 1kg of Creatine, for less than $50 you have 5kg of Cell Tech!