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CAPO National titles

Good to hear Frank.

The Vic meeting went well, looks like we will have over 100 lifters at the Nats.

Over the last number of years i have had the pleasure of Judging comps from State comps to State Titles to National Titles ,without fail, there is always a lifter who is Red lighted failing to comply with the rules. All competitors should have a copy of the rules and they can be printed off the CAPO or WPC website.

I cant list them all here but its my intention to point out the main red lighters. Squat No 1 Red lighter - Depth
2 - Feet movement after the squat call is given
3 - Not waiting for the Judges call Squat or Rack
4 - Double bouncing to get out of the hole
5 - Failure to lock out at the top

Bench No 1 Red Lighter - Not waiting for the press call
2 - Not waiting for the rack call
3 - Lifting your bum off the bench
4 - Uneven extension of the bar
5 - Any downward movement during the upward press
6 - Contactingthe bench with shoes or lifting feet from the floor

Deadlift No 1 Red Lighter - Hitching or supporting the bar on the thighs
2 - Failure to lock out at the top of the lift
3 - Lowering the bar before the down call
4 - Movement of the feet during the lift
5 - Not controlling the bar with both hands on the way down

So thats the BIG ONES also remember you have 60 seconds to commence your lift once the "Bars Loaded" call is made you also have one minute to enter your next lift with the Records Keeper. Good lifting any questions i can help with email me.​

From the Vics, the 2 I've highlighted were the biggest issue with me.

As it only involved equipped lifters, who make up around 5% of the lifters now, its not a big issue with me, but something that was glaringly obvious live and on video that I have since watched.

I have had to answer quite a few questions about the bum off bench, from spotters, lifters and the audience. I simply said I mustnt know the rules too well.

Not 100% sure of your reply, so let me just say this - The Squat must be deep, the top of the leg at the hip joint must be lower than the top of the leg at the knee joint or passed parallel.

Bum off the bench - If either or both of the side judges can see daylight between the bench and bum after the press call is given its a NO lift.

In training i have lifters Box Squat on a box that is below parallel.

Bum off bench is sometimes solved by bringing the lifters feet back under their bum, forcing their tail down.

Hope that makes sense.
all good points but if i were you i wouldnt take the chance of "maybe the refree wont see"the referees at the nats have done this before in saying that a great day for those judging is to have all lifters get good lights ,remember they are there to not just to judge lifts but in doing so protect set records which some day might be yours .also remember they are all voluntary and only have the benifit of the sport in mind .they judge to the rule book ,suppose its a bit like the ump at the footy half the spectators think hes right the other half think hes wrong.good to read your comments .
Dont get me started on this, I have done as much as I can. I cant believe how hard it is.

None of the Vic , QLD or WA results have been updated onto the record boards.
The position of updating will soon be shared, the guy doing it is inundated with important work. Switching over is taking too long though, should be fixed in a week. I have been on this since the day we joined CAPO.

There are over 60 National Records that havent been updated

i have checked with capo presidant today and he asures me they are on it now and will have it compleated shortley .this must be followed up at the nats to ensure records are adjusted and certificates issued within the shortest time frame .simply this means meet orginizers sending their results to the record keeper i say within 48 hours of a comp and a record keeper should then adjust records and issue certificates very shortley after .my lifters have broken w/records ,had them posted on the w p c,have received their certficates from america before they have been posted local .not good enough it must change so its a good point to push in august
We are looking at posting the Nationals live, so people not there can watch the results updated live.

More on this later
Well......I'm flat broke.
I'd better pull something out of my arse for this trip.
Anybody in bris need any cabinet making/carpentry/mechanics/gym/horse shit shoveling work done, hit me up in PM
Posted via Mobile Device
Ok. Markos or Frank. Would you be kind enough to answer a few questions.
1 - can you deadlift in volleys?
2 - you need knee high socks, will any socks do, eg footy socks?
3 - does my entery form HAVE to go to my state rep? I am having trouble contacting him.
I'm trying to get out of this as cheap as possible. I don't think I'll get much change from 1k
Posted via Mobile Device