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Burley Hawk

Ipf is tge only fed judging squat properly.

The IPF from what i've seen in Australia don't judge by the rules, they expect you to squat atg or its a no lift. Disqualifying a lift that should have been passed and passing a lift that shouldn't are equally bad. The rule on depth is the same in most feds, crease of the hip under top surface of the knee. Harsher is not better.

Show me an example on video of a Australian IPF squat that was denied because it was red-lighted for depth and I'll show you exactly where the depth is for the rules

The IPF rule is not crease of the hip, it's top surface of the leg at the hip below the top of the kneecap.
Sorry mate, i dont have any videos but every PA comp i've been to has been this way with at least a couple of squats. Maybe its different over in Perth. Edit: the wording doesn't matter, the crease at the hip = top surface of the leg at the hip. same thing.
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sorry it's impossible to tell depth from that video, too far away and too dark.
Even full screen I can't see the points needed
And pray tell which feds are judging by the rules? All the others I would gather from your esteemed estimate. Maybe we all just need to agree to disagree on interpretations of the rules. I certainly disagree vehemently.
How else are you supposed to interpret "top surface of the hip below the knee"?
Fucking seriously? That's as objective as you can get, there is no need for "interpretation". It's just fucking retarded lifters and judges who pass this shit.
Fuck im so fucking pissed off im dumping shit on how retarededed westdside is

I wasn't talking about Dave's squat specifically.

In ALL of Gracie's videos (training AND competition) it looks like her squats are an inch or 2 high, having seen her squat in person for 5 weeks I can honestly (and safely) say that EVERY ONE of her squats are to depth.
What wizardry are they employing that makes their squats look high
No-one else manages it what's special about these guys?

Your'e rustling jimmies here Koala boy

It looked like you where in fact specifically talking about it.

Could you post a video of Gracie squatting to bring perspective back to this thread please?
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Your'e rustling jimmies here Koala boy

It looked like you where in fact specifically talking about it.

Could you post a video of Gracie squatting to bring perspective back to this thread please?

Obviously I wasn't at the meet so can't comment on these 2 lifts, but I've never seen her (or anyone in the training group) squat high in person. Her box squats look the same depth as the video from the same angle and they're probably 1" under parallel in actuality

Gracie V - Pro Total - Westside Pro Invitational - YouTube
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Looks pretty high to me burgler
And what is it with the super wide squats and deadlifts I keep seeing?
And don't get me started on bloody geared lifting
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That's my point lol.

We squatted the other week and her squats looked just as high as that meet, yet standing next to her I can assure you 100% they were to comp depth.

As for the wide stance pulls - people are stronger in that I guess?
I know when I pulled in the Leviathan I got a good 25-30kg out of it so that would likely be another reason

Must be some funky cameras you guys are using
Regarding the wide squat and dead lifts stance, I realise why they do it but why not do proper squats and dead lifts to demonstrate their TRUE strength.
What do you define as true strength though?

AJ Roberts totalled f*ck knows what it was but couldn't even put on his own socks or tie his shoe laces. Would you consider that true strength?

Really though powerlifting is about the pursuit of numbers so if you can lift 30kg more by pulling with a wide stance why wouldn't you?

I switched to pulling wide cos my close stance sucked and was killing my back, just convenient I can pull a lot more wide in gear lol

*double edit*
this video is a probably a better example for me to use as 1) there's a box and 2) i'm in it/there lol
(go to 35 seconds or thereabouts)
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I guess true strength would mean full ROM that your body allows and no lifting aids that can artificially increase the amount of weight the body can naturally lift