BAHAHAHAHAHA...hahahahahahaha...hahaha.hehhe....farkin 'aesthetics'...a euphemism for low body fat and fark all muscle combined with a shite attitude! Wank3ers like this just exacerbate the misperceptions that lay-people have of bodybuilders. That's not bodybuilding and I cringe when we all get bundled in together! Bodybuilding is for life, 'aesthetics' is a trend. My inner bodybuilder sheds a tear thinking that people could tar me with the same brush......and think about could happen to YOU! (cue music) DUH-DUH-DUHHHHHH!!
The take home lesson from that article is (words to live by):
'It's just like a lifestyle man..just..wake up, gym, tan'.......'go home have a shower, chuck your shirt's nice n tight...feels good' - Sasha (like the leader of this gang of body sculptors) and his brother (brah).
The biggest irony of this article is that not one of these kunce has a significantly muscled frame. Tsk tsk tsk. (Sorry if this should be in the rant thread, this kind of crap just really grinds my gears but then again it's about the level of journalism you can expect from Today Tonight)...