Maybe. Aren't you doing PPL, whole body, or something similar?
I do a bit of everything.
My 4-day split is:
Day 1 - Quads and hamstrings.
Day 2 - Chest and triceps.
Day 3 - Back and biceps.
Day 4 - Shoulders and calves.
So sort of a PPL split, but with a shoulders and calves day as I feel these muscle groups needed work.
5 days a week I do bro splits. So if I start with legs on a Tuesday, I do legs again on Saturday. This results in a particular muscle group getting hit a bit harder for the week. Then next week it will be a different muscle group.
Sunday is cardio day and is when I go hiking.
If you wanted a rest day, you could easily leave that for Sunday instead of cardio.
Monday will be a full body routine, as I'm going to be a bit recovered from the cardio day. It also avoids "international chest Monday".
I find is mixes everything up, keeps training interesting, and all muscle groups are being hit plenty. I try to be in an out of the gym in about 1 hour and 15 minutes including warming up.