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Bodybuilding Diet

what's a bodybuilder diet? Serious question.

Eating 6-8 meals per day, adjusted for macronutrient ratios. For me, not just reducing carbs but timing their consumption. Was prepared for me by trainer at my gym (Leisuredome Gym, Beverly Hills NSW), taking into account my age, current activity levels and designed to arrive at calorie deficit but still deliver nutrients etc.
Lol, were you bent over whilst he wrote it and was he wearing a "broscience is the only science" shirt.

Read some articles from Max Brenner on here buddy. I see only 2 correct things he has done for you. Macros and deficit.

Meal frequency is a preference thing you can have however many you want more meals does not increase your metabolism or do anything special for you. In fact it can make dieting harder if you have a low total calorie intake due to such small meals.

Macro controls should be for all diets.

Carb timing provides minimal effect so it is more important to control total intake to your needs rather than worry about timing. Also carb related GI does not matter don't sweat on insulin it won't make you fatter if your macros are set and you control your calories. You don't have to limit yourself to carbs in the morning and post workout it does not change how your body will process them.

You will get macronutrients no matter what you eat and when you eat your body takes a long time to digest your food. Micronutrients are another matter but that is why you should pick quality whole/minimally processed foods.

Egg yolks have protein and a lot of micronutrients so eat them, don't be scared of fat it helps keep your hormones pumping which is VERY important in a calorie deficit.

Your diet sounds like an old school poorly learned diet that makes you eat "clean" (no such thing). What they were good for is controlling calories well due to the food choices being completely bland and simple. They are also great for driving you insane trying to stick to them whilst giving you no benefit over any other diet.

Go read this thread http://ausbb.com/nutrition-diet/153...ng-post-workout-anabolic-window-gi-myths.html

Very good info and go read anything by Alan Aragon. Good luck with whatever you choose to do, I hope I have made you think a little. By the way this is all backed by science and practice but if you read Max's thread you will see. Good luck.
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PS, what Dave just posted is absolutely correct. OP, read over it, think about it and then read over it again.

Simply, the most important part of body composition is calorie intake, macronutirent balance and training stimulus. Timing of ANYTHING is irrelevant.
Lol i live like 5min from Leisuredome Gym. Any gym with leisure in it usually means one thing. Ive been there once.

A little dismissive Trent, the gym has a healthy (no pun intended) reputation for natural bodybuilding, with the current MW Musclemania champion (Sasho Ognenovski) and 2011 ANB's Sydney Titles - Men's Overall winner (Mario De Vega) the latest from the production line.
Dave and Max, what you say makes sense - but I will persevere for a few weeks just to see how my body reacts. I agree it is bland, and takes some preparation but it is a start and I can certainly modify it. Thanks.
Lol, were you bent over whilst he wrote it and was he wearing a "broscience is the only science" shirt.

Read some articles from Max Brenner on here buddy. I see only 2 correct things he has done for you. Macros and deficit.

Mate, he was runner up in Mens U70KG at ANB Australian Titles in 2011, has been competing for a few years, so I guess his experience on nutrition was better than mine?
He told me it wasn't a fully detailed program especially around the macro ratios etc, but rather a means for me to see some changes. I will look at what Dave and Max have posted.

Good post mate!

Ask to have a look at his diet and instead of paying attention to the carb timing and post workout stuff (the little things) look at his control of calories and macros. No matter what fancy schmansy meal timing scheme goes around over the years you will see that everyone controls calories and macros. Sometimes it is just I need to eat lots of meat andor it is I need 216g of protein but everyone controls their food in their own way. Old school Bodybuilders didn't do all the things people stress now but they still got huge. But if eating in this methods suits you then keep it up, try it like you are and see a lot of controlling food is psychological and that is the hardest thing to get set.
Also the quality/level of physique does not determine knowledge level/intellect.

Winning a show or competing means little IMO. If they/we choose that as our 'sport' then that will be a possible result and they have their reasoning's for that (competing).

I choose NOT to compete (for one I don't need the ego boost), but that does not make me any less of a person or 'athlete' nor mean a lower knowledge level or training level etc.

Dave again said it best in post #31.

Body composition is determined by long term adherence with calorie intake, macronutrient balance and training stimulus.

Good luck with it all
I remember someone once said,

just because they are a good athlete, does not make them a good coach.
just because they are a good coach, does not make them a good athlete.

and you lied Max!
Dave, it has made me sick to my stomach that I've essentially licked your ass 2 times in the one thread I may have liked it though...

JChen, do as I say. Not as I do
Just an update. I read a lot of the articles written by Lyle McDonald and others as recommended.

I ended up amending the proscribed diet, cutting out most mid main-meal snacks and tailoring a program more suited to my physical and psychological needs.

I have oats with fruit for breakfast, but don't always have an egg white omelette as well (depending on time and appetite).

Have chicken or fish with salad for lunch, and on workout days, I'll have a serve of carbs with protein (shake or food) pre-workout.

Post workout, I also have a carb serving (rice or pasta) with meat, chicken or fish and steamed veg (no spuds/sweet pot). Non-workout days, dinner is same but no carb serve.

No sweet biscuits etc after dinner, but will have raw almonds as snack, and I don't deprive myself of things such as post golf beer or a once a week eat out with my family (but I try to choose foods more in line with my current program).

I have lost just over 6 kilos since mid January, really feeling good. Thanks to all for the advice around the mythology behind food programs.
Dave, it has made me sick to my stomach that I've essentially licked your ass 2 times in the one thread I may have liked it though...

JChen, do as I say. Not as I do

Read 4 times.
Am a bit drunk.
But in the spirit of Mardis Gras weekend....I suppose Max's delighted arse licking (women's hearts are breaking all over the world mind you)

Dave? Did you enjoy this activity also?????


EDIT - damnit that's meant to read I SUPPORT Max's arse licking (am very open minded and apparently can't spell when inhebriated)
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This makes it sound like you enjoy an arse licking as well.....