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Bodybuilding and your S/O?


Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
If you have a bf/gf, do they understand your passion for bodybuilding and understand how much time you spend in the gym or cooking? Do you try to bring them into the gym as well or go by yourself to stay focused?
For those who are single, how has BB helped/hurt dating? Sure, you have a great body now, but do you actively use it to attract a partner? Or are you single because you're more focused on training and diet?
Partner is going to compete in September. At times especially during my comp prep it was hard but, I think it is a big advantage because we both have something in common and that we love. It has also made us feel good about ourselves and that in turn makes us more happier overall, I mean we met at our gym so it always a way to remember when we first spoke and locked eyes on each other. We meal prep together too and help work out macros and if anything is missing. I AM pretty damn lucky as I know a lot of guys that would not be involved liking the same thing and also experiencing it too.
No dramas in my house regarding me training. I've been training for over 20 years. Training came before the cook

Head Kunce
When I stop training and eating goes crazy I blow up like the michelin man in a few weeks so she is happy I keep training.

Wife understands it. Doesnt overly like it. I mean she likes that I train and keep reaspnably healthy...but 4 x 3hr sessions a week she doesnt like so much haha.

Doesn't understand it, determinedly uninterested, keeps suggesting that I 'drop something' when life is too full. There is only work and lifting and I can hardly drop work
Doesn't understand it, determinedly uninterested, keeps suggesting that I 'drop something' when life is too full. There is only work and lifting and I can hardly drop work

There is a third thing you could drop... not sure if she would like that though
Depends....he usually enjoys the training but lets himself go on the nutrition (thus two steps forward two steps back for him :/). We enjoy training together when we can! However he can get frustrated with the nutrition side of things as I can easily go strict if I need to, he has trouble doing that and I think he can lash out at me because of that iykwim? But as we work opposite hours and rarely see each other it doesn't cause too many drama's.

If it means I have to go to the gym at 6am just to get my workout in and not 'interrupt' the rest of the day then so be it .
My husband did Keto up till our cruise and lost 10kgs, he was looking good. Then holiday happened now he likes his lounge so much more again!
He will never be into lifting. He is not bothered either way about me lifting and competing, he's glad I train at home now.
Doesn't understand it, determinedly uninterested, keeps suggesting that I 'drop something' when life is too full. There is only work and lifting and I can hardly drop work

I can relate brother. But there comes a time when a man has to stand his ground. You gotta pick your battles but. I reckon a woman only gives you a couple of those suck it up or fuck off ultimatums before the marriage is over and she is moving someone else into your house and taking a third of your wage.

I've had two, dunno if I'd be good for third, it'd have to be a biggie.
There is a third thing you could drop... not sure if she would like that though

Heh, not at that stage just yet. The kids are just awesome, I'd have to be in a truly bad place before I'd leave them. I don't get ultimatums, or even active resistance. Active apathy is what I'd call it.

Which is why going to comps and meeting other lifters is so f...g awesome.
My wife understands. She played top level basketball when younger & our sports training was a common interest when we first dated. She still trains (less now with work & children though) which is great. I encourage her to train and her to me. A couple of mates totally dropped out of all sports/training thanks to their mrs, ridiculous!
Met my fiance training. She competes as well (PL not BB) and trains with me 3-4x a week. Can't imagine having an unsupportive partner. (probably why I was single for a fair while)
the missus hates how much time i spend at the gym but enjoys the results so she deals with it, i would prefer if she came with me or trained as well though..
the missus hates how much time i spend at the gym but enjoys the results so she deals with it, i would prefer if she came with me or trained as well though..

Totally opposite for me.
She doesn't give me too much grief about the time, it's more about the results.
All I hear is: you're too big, loose weight, lean up, stop weights and do cardio, you're too wide, you look so much better thinner, you're starting to look scary, I think you get the picture.
She explained it this way, she asked if she got a boob job to a massive size and kept getting them done bigger and bigger, would I like that look?
That's how she sees me, getting bigger and bigger and keeps asking when is enough? I can see her point, buti like the animal look, she's right about the BF% though, I do need to lean up.
Oh, forgot to mention traps, they seem to freak her out, she's definitely not a fan of traps.
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Shit. Thats embarrassing. I think we are seeing the same woman.....

I don't need to measure muscle to know if i'm growing. The mrs can eyeball a 1mm increase in muscle size and then let's me know about it.

Mine also hates the traps and has a real thing about lats as well.
my ex always hated that I went to the gym so often, counted my marcos, take various supplements and went through cycles of cutting/bulking she could never get her head around it. My current gf understands complete and she herself visits the gym regularly.
My girlfriend and I train together at home and encourage each other. She's new to strength training and loves it. We are doing tough mudder together in a couple months time. We also share a similar diet (mine x4 lol) and we love having this common interest