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Bodybuilding and strength


I dont normally post in this section, but I read most threads. Recently there was discussion about BB training etc.

Its always a controversial topic, one that will never be settled.

I recently held a bench press comp at PTC. Two guys benched 190kg.

One was Ange Galati. He has won far too many BB shows for me to list. He has also set 15 WR in the bench press. He actually won the Powerlifting and Bodybuilding National Titles a few weeks apart.

The other was Peter Djurkovic. He just had his first ever BB comp, placing third in the novice section. He was 106kg at my place. He has actually benched 200kg touch and go before. He told me he always trains heavy.

Melbourne Sunday 23rd May, 2010
NABBA Novice Men
1st Anthony Krklinski
2nd Jason Kenny
3rd Peter Djurkovic
4th Charlie Mokbel
5th Stewart Cheffirs

Training as heavy as they can has done no harm to their physiques. I'm not suggesting you should train like a powerlifter, but no matter what your goal............................


You won me over to this way of thinking about two months back. I'm with ya big fella, just aiming to get my lifts on the big three as big as I can for the next 12 months then re-assess, but tipping that re-assessment will result in more of the same...

Already noticing the difference to my phsyique of training for max lifts over doing a crap 10rep BBing routine at sub-optimal effort. The good thing about training to lift big is you've got a line in the sand and have to work at 100% to keep adding strength. Your PPP is just the ticket too.

Thanks for all your awesome advice and support for all the noobs like me in this game. I'll send you something nice to say thanks properly when I get my deads to 200kg and my bench to 130kg. Hold me to that promise!!

This is something I have always tried to stress to my bodybuilding mates - some of which are pretty good comp bodybuilders so its kinda hard to get through to them.

Alot/most train 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps, mod weight, supersets, drop sets etc etc etc - all year round.

I have tried to explain to them that training heavy will one make you stronger, so the more weight you can lift the more muscle you can grow and lifting heavier brings thickness to your physique - theres nothing worse than a stringy bodybuilder on stage - and some of my mates do look stringy on stage.

At the end of the day for a bodybuilder its about lines and dense, thick, big muscle - and for me I don't think you can get that dense thick look with doing mod weight 3-4 sets of 10-20 doing dropsets, supersets etc etc.

Also I have always had a prob with bodybuilders increasing reps as the show becomes closer....why deplete an already overly depleted muscle?? For me I think lift as heavy as possible all the way upto the comp to keep the muscles full/thick and dense....yea of course you can add some high reps in the last few days when u need to deplete before carbing up - but train heavy and have a better looking package on stage I reckon!
The history of Body Biulding is a very interesting subject.

Starting with Hoffman and weider and the introduction of supplements and steroids.
It's a lot easier to sell a bag of powder and more money to be made versus a barbell.

All is needed is a barbell, plates, chinning bar and dip bar and a tranquil mind.
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Agreed, I was watching him on muscletv good physique. I didnt realise he was this strong however...

I dont understand why people think that to be a successfull bodybuilder you need to be weak and do stupid routines? When all the pros are generally strong! If not some of them are stronger then some powerlfiters.
Ange is easily one of my fav Aust bodybuilders. Powerlifter AND bodybuilder!!

There really is nothing as frustrating as a weak bodybuilder. Why would you want to be larger than average, but not overly strong?
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Who would you pick?
Megan Gale
Jennifer whatsername?
Whom would squat more.
Come on!
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PB has never met Ange, he has no idea.

I would do the same if someone who didnt know you called you a child molester.

Ange is a friend, as are you.
I agree. This is what I've been saying for some time, it's why I was against having separate bodybuilding and strength sections here on ausbb.com. The goals are not so different. At the top level, sure there are differences. But not for most of us.

If someone's edited their message to be less offensive, n00bs, it's nice for you to edit your quote of them, too. Everyone can spout off stuff without thinking, it's nice to give them a chance to rethink it.
My comment was directed to PB regarding another thread about retarded goals..

I think bodybuilding without strength ='s a retarded goal..
PB has never met Ange, he has no idea.

I would do the same if someone who didnt know you called you a child molester.

Ange is a friend, as are you.

actually i have met him. one time i talked with him was when he'd just gotten back from Indonesia with Luke Wood
My comment was directed to PB regarding another thread about retarded goals..

I think bodybuilding without strength ='s a retarded goal..
WHy is is retarded? It's only retarded in your mind.

Any person with half a brain would realise any muscle gain will include strength gain. I never trained for strength yet I could barely bench press the bar at 18, a few months lately with crappy routines and bad diet could bench 70 or 80, can't remember, but the point is, muscle growth will include strength increase.
Now stop with this retarded business. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Then why do people do 3kg flys at the gym shrek?

You train for strength by moving weight...

People who say they dont are in fact retarded... Because like you said they areincreasing strength..

But the point is the best in the business are strong! If you cant deadlift 200kg i dont think your going to become my olympia its about as straight forward as that.
PB has never met Ange, he has no idea.

I would do the same if someone who didnt know you called you a child molester.

Ange is a friend, as are you.

Fair enough, I don't follow bodybiulding as it is, I dont follow anything, I just like lifting the pig iron.

Your problem I think is you take too much notice of what other people do rather than what you are doing.
Chillout, post something righteous.
I am BB focused but doing a compound 5x5 program going as heavy as I can go!!! Do I win?
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