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Body Weight training to get fit

Jchiller, that's a great display of function strength and endurance. I can only imagine the effort that went into it to get to that level.

Building muscle while staying lean is the dream of anyone that is weight training. In your application, maybe consider adopting the training techniques of a sprinter; a mix of low and high rep squats, deadlifts and benchpress, coupled with field sprints and the bar work you are already doing. But you will need to up your calories to sustain and grow from the extra workload if you want to see results.

Good luck and be sure to keep us posted on your results.

I don't think he is coming back for some reason =(
unfortunately i have recently been very sick and have been out of training for a few weeks. I'm just starting back at it now and have decided to take some advice from this threat. i have a trainer sorted out to start in a few weeks so hopefully i can get a good program together. will see how i go and post some updates when i start making good progress. thanks to those who gave support and advice.
Hope your trainer isn't the typical variety 'works at fitness first / jetts' has been training for 5 years and benches 100kg.... I would recommend going to see a powerlifting trainer (PTC gyms seem really good). Get someone who knows their shit with experience training people on a number of levels. If they tell you 'squatting below parallel puts too much strain on your knees' punch them in the head, take your money back and leave.

My experience is powerlifting guys are big on technique and focussing on adding more weight. They know a hell of a lot more than your typical trainers about technique, training cycles and what works for different people. If you want to get bigger, lift more weight. If you want to do so safely and efficiently, learn good technique and get on a training program suitable for your level. See 'basic strength standards' in this forum for an indication of where your 'level' is (beginner/intermediate/advanced/elite). My $0.02