What type of exercise should i be doing to get bigger breasts?
1. There are no fun when they are your own.Maybe you get a good rack installed to keep yourself entertained. Sure there is a surgeon out there that will do the job for you.
I'm so sorry mate.I have the same problem!!!
The more my wife trains the smaller the twins get!
was it the contraceptive pill?You know how japs think of the crazy shit. When I was in japan. I spotted a popper that claims, when ingested to increase your bust size. How cool is that
yeah pretty sad hey! i dont know if theres any truuth to it , but my logic is to do light cardio like volleyball/boxing instead of running during the week but mostly weight training to tone up rather then lose fat tissue.. i dont want my boobs any smaller, i would consider implants for sure!!
try Levlen(the pill) ex gf started taking it, got massssive tits. also turned into a complete fucking psycho bitch. so in other words its completely worth it