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over a period of 4 years i did the following to gain weight, both fat and muscle...
oats, milk (despite being lactose intolerant i didnt care), pasta, steak, eggs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, all in large quantities 5 time a day. its not fun but it works. i use to spend money on protein powder at first but then i just spent that money on food.
go to fitnesscentral.com.au or bulknutrients.com.au ettc etc... and get yourself some WPC for around $30 a kg, and some Oatmass (fitnesscentral) or super fine oats (BN) for very cheap. Mix 30g of each into 500ml of milk and bam, you've got a mega muscle meal, for a shit load less than your musashi. You can even buy flavouring from those websites... Strawberry is usally a safe bet.
p.s protein powders bought wholesale for less than $30 a kilo is bloody good value...
lol you ate your way to bulking up huh...sounds good id rather eat too... Creatine is the only supp I use... other than that before i buy stuff i read reviews at SupplementReviews.com: Ratings, Q&A, Price Comparisons. or at Pro Vitamin ots mostly user based reviews so im safe and don't waste money