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best routine


New member
Hey guys im fairly new to bodybuilding, been weight training for about 2 months, just getting the groove of how things work.
After reading and researching endlessly, trying to find the best amount of reps and sets, routines etc, i must admit im exhausted yet addicted. However i dont want to spend endless months planning, but rather find one i can dedicate myself to.
My question is what is the best routine suited to someone in my position for purely muscle gains? im intrigued by 5x5 programs, but are there any that target muscle gains specifically?
all your help and responses are greatly appreciated
All weight traning will build muscle some will be more efficient for beginners than others though. Look at Fadi's 'Moving your body through space' program. Or PTC's PPP program. Both focus on the basic compound movements that will increase your strength and as a result muscle mass if your eating enough food.

Others will go into more detail, but stick to the basics and you'll see gains.

NDR end of story
hey thanks for the link.

just so you guys get an idea of what i have now this is my routine:
Deadlift (4 sets)
Bent over barbell row (3 sets)
Lat pull down (3 sets)
Chinups 3x failure

Standing Barbell Curl (4 sets)
Barbell preacher curl (3 sets)

Flat DB Bench press (4 sets)
Inclince DB Bench Press ( 3 sets)
Flat flys (3 sets)
Bench Dips 3x failure

Close Grip Bench Press (4 Sets)
Skull Crushers (3 sets)

Cardio 45 mins (skipping, abs, etc)

Squats (4sets)
DB lunges (3 sets)
Leg Extensions (3 sets)

Cardio (same as tues)

Seated overhead DB press (4 sets)
Side lateral raises (3 sets)

seated and standing calve raises (4 sets each)

Light cardio

Meal one: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 shake ( 3 eggs, 1 scoop protein powder, oats)
Meal two: Pb sandwich and banana
Meal three: 8oz chicken with brown rice
Meal four: 1 post workout shake (similar to meal 1 shake)
Meal five: Fish, brown rice
Meal six: 125grams of cottage cheese.

should i boot this routine off and stick with something simpler or am i heading down the right track?
boot the routine and go with something simpler. as suggested above, check out Fadi's or PTC's beginner programs on this site and go from there
As stated above keep it simple mate, get stuck into bench, squats, deads, chins and more squats.
5x5 is the shit - great mass builder and strength - just lift heavy with good form. Works for me everytime

I love the internet.