I don't know what a Pendlay row is (and I probably don't give a shit). But barbell bent over row should be close to Bench Press.
they don't tend to be very strict once they get over 140kg for some reason. When I was benching 180+ my barbell bent over row was ridiculous 160kg x 5 no straps. I use up to 130 x 6-8 now with my bench at 160-170. Ted Arcidi did a 700lb bench with single ply shirt so I guess his raw bench would have been around 600lb. He barbell bent rowed over 450lb for reps (and did behind the neck press with the same!).
Why name the row after a brand of barbell? Why not just call it bent over row to tits.
both the row and the barbell are named after US oly coach
His name was row?
Maybe if we are talking chest supported rows here then that would make total sense. A Pendlay Row isn't a fair comparison because of the isometric hold factor your posterior chain has to endure. In that sense the bench is lot easier, lying there on a comfy bench missionary style with the weight over you. Hence it is my opinion that if your pendlay row is at least as good as your military press than you are doing quite well.
I don't like any of the standing rows. As you try and increase weight they just turn into a bar hump and you can't tell if you got stronger or just cheating more. I prefer chest supported.