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Bench Press: Avoiding Shoulder Injuries

It's the exposure to estrogen in crossfit that drives your strenthg to hjgher levels.

Watching wimmen do snatches, etc. and overhead squats.


are you saying young shw doesn't squat narrow or doesn't squat deep or both?
To Andy.

Little Nicky simply wants to be strong, he has never competed in PL. He performed 20 rep squats, Farmers Walk, Sandbag work, Atlas Stone work, Fat bars, lots of cleans and overhead pressing. I look to eliminate weak links. He also performed MANY sets of keg presses.

Tim on the other hand is a PL, and a very, very good one. He is super strong on the PL because thats what he trains for.

There is no question he could become much stronger than Nicky, he weighs 30kg more for starters.

the emphasis is on could.

Just like Fat Dave could become leaner, Dim could become heavier, I could become more tolerant etc.

In fact, I base my entire business on clients wanting to become stronger.

Metabolic conditioning on a single lift doesnt play a major role I feel. It would on C&P bw for reps or Farmers walk, but the Stone and DB is a pure feat of strength.