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Barbell curl

If the starting position was leaning back slightly, your diagram would pretty much be a perfect curl.

On that note, what do you think of drag curls?
Drag curls as advocated by Vince Gironda, to keep the bar touching your body the whole way up is virtually impossible without using your shoulders and traps to shrug the bar up towards the top of the movement.

Vince had some good ideas but this aint one of them.
How many sets do you guys do?

I do 3 sets of barbell curls after my chin up sets (usually 5).

I've been stuck at 40kgx10 on barbell curls for as long as I can remember. Now it's starting to annoy me.
3x8-12, supersetted with a tricep exercise (lol, yes I'm being serious). The tris are done first each superset actually, but whatever.

When I can do 3x12, no cheating, it's time for s'more weight, and 8 reps (or more if I can do them). That kinda deal.
I dunno how to break this plateau. Get my body used to more volume I guess - 4 sets, then 5, or something.
Mate, my advice (such as it is, be being a bit of a noob!) would be to not do them after chinups. Especially not straight after.

I dunno, you could try them after pullups instead. Or just at a totally different time, even. No idea how your program's set up, so...
It doesn't bother me greatly, but it is annoying when you see no progress. I'd prefer to get better at everything I'm doing in the gym.

Also, if I can't break the plateau with this lift, how will I fare with others....
why are you concerned with adding more weight to the bb curl?
Why would you not be, unless weight doesn't matter at all to you for any lift ever, or it's "all powerlifting all the time" on the other hand?

It's a lift, much like any other, and if you're applying dat dere progressive overload to your lifting... then yeah.
id be more concerned if my other work was not progressing. chins still progressing? other lifts?

you are doing them at the end of the session yeah? after chins...if they are progressing then you are probably just fatigued when you get to them. do them before chins for a change for a few sessions.
Chins haven't progressed in a while either... Had a recent injury which hasn't helped. Biceps don't tire before lats on chins though, I'm fine to do them 10 mins or so after.
Haven't done a curl in about 3 years until the other week. Starting with the bar gives me some weird looks from the bros in the gym...

I just do straight 3x8 with the BB.
curls twice a week; one day barbell, one dumbells.

I do them strict, no back motion and full range, although may be doing the way Goosey higlights which means i am may not be activating biceps at top of motion.

Did 4 reps on 55kg the other week, so i am shooting for reps on 60kg next heavy week.
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Reps at 60kg is really good! I can manage about 3 strict on 50kg. This is where I've just halted for the last 6 months or so. I want to get it moving. Going to try 5x7 @ a weight I can do for 9-10 reps or something, twice a week after chins. Volume volume volume! 3 sets is no longer enough.
Curls are made to go moderate weight, your not working bi's if u go that heavy it's all lower back and shoulders and u loose that tension goosed was talking about. I like bans idea of trap bar hammers I'm a try that! Ey That slight lean forward u are talking about goose can be trained by wearing a dip belt (weighted) to get the corect posture position, have u herd of nick Nilsson? Aka the mad scientist
i go heavy around 15% of time. Rest of time, 60-75% of max for light and medium weeks. Yesterday struggled with 3/8/35kg with 60 seconds rest.

However, when i want to test my curls to see if i actually improved, i go heavy. No need to, but i like to.

It is the training that improves me, and the heavy set tells me the story to see if it is working.

This is what i currently do with all major exercises.
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