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Doesn't hurt going in. Injecting liquid though different story not that bad just in pleasant, I bought 31g insulin needles so they are alot smaller, going to use the..
Only reason i have a problem with needles is when I was young i had meningitis bad and had to have lumbar punctures at 7y o sort of scared me. Posted via Mobile Device
I know it's pussy and embarrassing. It's simy
Mind over matter however I need to just get it together mentally and get over the thought of staging myself... 19g I think i would pass out. I suppose it isn't just the needle but the thought of it and the stigma attatched. I'll get over it. I'll be jabbing 3 times daily son so I will have too. Posted via Mobile Device
Yeah, 31g subq injecitons are a piece of piss and a baby could do it.. I Dont think i could do 2" 25g with 3ml barrell into a quad though not yet anyway lol ..
I did it for a mate once... I was shitting and it wasn't even going into me... Just kept a straight steady hand and hit it just below his shoulder on his arm, did it a few times there was never a problem...
b12 is an injection for vitamin B, usually indicated in patients with anaemia(lack of red blood cells) due to the fact that they have trouble absorbing vitamin B from their diet. but im guessing people here are using it for the bodybuilding benefits that it may offer.
in australia oral form of vitamin B is an over the counter product, but the injection depends on how tight the doctor is. compared to oxycontin/endone vitamin B is heaps easy to get. hell u might request it and the doctor might even right a script for you on the spot.