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AusBB/PTC strength comp

100kg x 20 at 94bwt

tried again, this time with a flu and after a set of 140kg x 8.

20 reps 100kg at 94kg bodyweight. I'm an old school bencher so i keep the feet flat on the floor and the bum down.

Probably too much benching now its hurting my other lifts. We drug free lifters always find it hard to have all lifts going well simultaneously.

Repeat of disclaimer - I'm not participating in this online contest.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0J11KqACtg&feature=plcp]bench 140kg x 8 and 100kg x 20 - YouTube[/ame]
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Now that is some serious benching. Will you have a crack at repping out 95kg while you're fresh?

Nah mate, I'm not making myself eligible for this little contest as I am a member of an organisation that would not allow formal entry into these fun events.

Anything I lift now is only a partial recovery of some of the strength I had 14 years ago so it doesn't really get me too excited. But it is very satisfying knowing that an over 40 body can still do something like this and doesn't need chemical assistance to do it. I saw your logs and I know you appreciate the feeling of achievement for those of us in the geriatric league.

I would be monitoring that little pain issue you are having with your squats and stop doing those types of squats until you have fixed the imbalance problems. You probably need a bit of hip and bum work. Trust me, I have bugger all hip and bum strength and now my legs are all withered there's not much to squat with.

Ah, OK, I am very new to all this, i.e. the various feds and their rules. Still bloody impressive benching, you must have been shifting some weight back then.

Appreciate the advice on my adductor pain. Hip/glute weakness/imbalance is at the root of my woeful squat & deadlift for sure. Unfortunately no GHR machines or reverse hyper's down here in Dunsborough, but I've just been googling around and there are some good alternatives that I should make more of.
Hip flexors troubles are easy as pants to fix luckily. Stretch them out with lunges, strengthen them, as well as the abs with decline sit-ups. Then strengthen the opposing muscles (glutes, hamstrings and lower back).

I partially tore my psoas on the 18th which was 13 days ago. The pain and inflammation has almost gone and yesterday I managed to touch my toes with locked knees. I think this is pretty good considering it was less than 2 weeks ago. I've been taking a little over a gram of naproxen a day

You also don't need a GHR machine or reverse hyper to get strong. Man I hate this shit more than ever now, how people think you need these to be strong. Yes, they are good exercises but so are good mornings and deficit stiff legged deadlifts. So are swings. The UDL is popular here now also. Ultra wide deficit sumo pulls will destroy every lower body muscle you have.
Ok, I made an attempt... on my scales right before the lift i was 106kg, figured i can count 1kg for shoes and clothes so i lifted 105, only got 8 reps out though.
Would love some pointers on form as well! - Video is from a bad angle (nowhere to prop the ipad .. but the bar does touch my shirt on each rep.

[YOUTUBE][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp_1dsIYTFA&feature=plcp]Bench at 105kg - YouTube[/ame][/YOUTUBE]
Zoot,where do you train in Dunsborough? I go there once a year but drive up to Busso to the gym there.