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August Push Up Challenge.

August Challenge Options.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

I'm hoping to be able to do larger sets by the end of the month and increase my general muscle endurance a little, strengthen my core a bit and maybe build my triceps a little since i don't do much else for them.
Just read this. It works.

Tip #5: Want to immediately improve your push-ups? Try imagining you are squeezing a piece of paper under each armpit while performing them. This incredibly simple tip will improve tension, create more stability in the shoulder and tighten the upper back and lats.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKUu9wMnvQk]Towel Push Ups - YouTube[/ame]

but with one towel and both hands going out, then towel comes back to middle etc...
30 wide push ups
15 diamond push ups
15 decline push ups
30 standard
that order, now i eat...

what type do we need to do?
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Haven't done mine yet but should have them done in the next few hours. My arms are dead I've been mixing and pushing a wheelbarrow full of cement and digging holes all day

I did not vote for it, but expect more core strength and upper body strength and endurance, depending on where you are at you might see some definition in your upper body muscles, but that might take more than a month, for women you might notice your breasts sitting a bit higher and being a bit firmer, depending on where they naturally sit, and depending on size I guess, but should make some difference.

My wife used to do martial arts and used to do lots of push ups when we first started going out and it made for impressive assets not requiring much support if you know what I mean

She is about to get back into doing some training and hopefully push ups will be part of that

I believe push ups are very important for women and I would highly recommend having them as a regular exercise.

This could be something that can become routine, a quick 50-100 push ups a day or very other day, does not take long and results should show

I am thinking that I will start adding push ups soon, or doing it twice a day, but will see how I go.

Haven't done mine yet but should have them done in the next few hours. My arms are dead I've been mixing and pushing a wheelbarrow full of cement and digging holes all day

Poor dear, now have a spoon of cement and harden the fuck up and do your push ups
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Repped for a very informative post mwahahaha

And also repped, in part, for your wife's soon-to-be full body assault

Haha had a wheelbarrow full .