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Are Deadlifts necessary for a Bodybuilding routine?

Funny how the deadlift is now a mainstream gym topic. Before the crossfit malaise, few regular gym users would have had much knowledge of the deadlift other than occasionally seeing some hardcore monster slamming the weights down and laughing at his own farts.

Probably the only good thing about the crossfit cult is that it has raised awareness of lifting in general even if the cross fitters do massacre the techniques, can't squat and can't bench, bugger theiroutines after a few years etc.....It has resulted in a new generation of gym users being aware of resistance exercises other than curls, pec dec and sit ups.

I laugh at my farts most of the time, especially the ones that sound like a question. Deadlifts can generate good farts. One day I will be able to fart the entire alphabet. Currently I'm having trouble with the "S".

I actually think it was the popularity of the Rippetoe, Madcow 5x5 programs that started it off before crossfit came along.
No they were not

I wasn't. Oni said power shrugs can help the start which i feel they do and often weak lockout is caused by poor starting position due to heavy weight. This puts you in a bad position when you get to lockout.

Really power shrugs just help strengthen the back which is always a good thing for deadlifts.
Are deadlifters necessary for bodybuilding?

in my opinion, absolutley not.

Sport strength is so specific. Personally i would not recommend deadlifts for anyone outside powerlifting.

For general sports, i would prefer general weight training and an empahsis on power tests that reflecty speed and strength. A power clean probably better.

For a bodybuilder, why risk an injury.

Well you have lost me.

I agree for sports, general strength weight training is what you need.

Whats more general than picking up a bar off the floor and then you recommend powercleans an exercise specific to Olympic weightlifting.

As for injury risk. Any form of training is an injury risk. Deadlifts are a great exercise at preventing injuries outside of the gym.