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Arched back bench setup

It appears that people seem to be lost on what I was saying so I'll summarise it
Standard bench form will give you standard results. If you look at all the best benchers, they all have unique form and unique routines. What does this tell you? To get the "best" results, you need to figure out what works best for you and not do something just because the majority of people on the internet tell you to do so. Sure you'll make mistakes along the way and possibly get injured but that's life

But this is not good advice for beginner lifters such as the people who ask questions on forums. They try something for 2 weeks, get no results, then move onto something else, then get the same results...

People with fuckarounditis will always have fuckarounditis imo
I feel this conversation has gone stale anyway lol
I have a question about my deadlift which i'll be posting before long and I'd appreciate your input
I mean if someone reads my post and decides that they should try each form out every day of the week until they find the "perfect form" then they probably wouldn't have made much progress anyway. My post wasn't targeted at people like that