Yes, but not from a muscle building way, more a 'wow, you've lost allot of weight' kind of way.
My last family do at Easter I was told, I look so much healthier after gaining weight.... wait wut???
Grrrrrr its just 3kgs, its just 3kgs.....
Last year when I lost 30kgs everyone noticed, that was pleasant but everyone kept telling me to stop then they would load more food on my plate.
haha, I get "stop working out, you'll fade away!" and "why are you always in gym gear?" LOL
nobody hi-fives me when I come home dancing that i've got a PB on anything ...
They don't realise how important PBs are.... its sad, your busting to announce some big number but they just ask to pass the sauce.....
My husband completely disregards my powerlifting, and even pokes my newly accumulated fat roll and laughs..... I just shake his fat rolls.....
They don't realise how important PBs are.... its sad, your busting to announce some big number but they just ask to pass the sauce.....
My husband completely disregards my powerlifting, and even pokes my newly accumulated fat roll and laughs..... I just shake his fat rolls.....
Nobody wants their Wife to be stronger than they are
My wife's friend commented to my wife saying "Geez he's looking good". I guess that's better than nothing.
Gf parents call me fat
Haterz......The fitter people around me have said wow uve lost weight u look better, the tossers and fat people at work havent said anything... probly just jelous as fuck.