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I was a cûnt of a kid, stands to reason my kids will be little cünts.
I dont really worry worry too much about what other people think, seems to me like peeps with the most preconceptions are usually losers too scared to do anything outside of the norm for fear of what others think of them.
Tbh I want to raise my kids to be interesting, salt of the earth adults, not cardboard cutouts of humans which seem to populate the world. Let my kids become anything as long as they aren't self absorbed twats that wear a suit to work and spend their free time looking down on those who don't
this wasn't directed to anyone in particular just some brick wisdom.
I dig my kids but I applaud anyone who decides they don't want to add to the overpopulation of the planet with kids they're not sure they want. I've seen plenty of parents who I don't think should have had kids, and sometimes I don't think I'm doing such a crash hot job of it either.
Hang on, so you're saying you're not a man unless you impregnate a woman? Any deadshit can do that. It takes a man to actually stick around and raise children.
Hi kunce!! Kids annoying adults in public places?? It's the other way around, take your kids to a footy game and hear all the drunken idiots swearing and carrying on in front of children...my kids are better behaved than most adults!