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Cows are fed grass. Unless were in drought or feed is not growing quick enough then we have to feed them hay.
rBST or growth hormone for cows is used in America to make cows produce more but is banned in Australia.
We use antibiotics on cows if they are sick. But there are strict witholding periods were a cow given antibiotics that the milk is not allowed to be sold. Milk is also tested daily for any antibotic residues which if detected means big trouble.
there is no risk in selling it for cosmetic purposes.
it is illegal to sell for consumption purposes only. therefore, as long as you make it clear upon sale (or even get the customers to sign a waiver that they will not drink the milk), you are fine
Just letting you lot know. If you get sick from drinking bath milk you cant sue in common law negligence as it would be done in circumstances of 'obvious risk'