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Anyone able to recommend a decent TRT doc in Victoria, Australia?


New member
I'm 26 years old, had my Test levels checked around 6 months ago and the results were:

Testosterone (Immulite) | 13.0 nmol/L

I asked my doctor about TRT but he basically shrugged it off saying I'm within the normal range. Despite this, I have many symptoms related to low Test: Low energy, mood swings, insomnia, low motivation, low libido, depression, bad anxiety, low self esteem and low confidence. I'm a hard gainer (muscle wise) and find it hard to drop abdominal body fat.

I've been on SSRI's which kind of worked, but made me feel like a zombie. I tapered off and kicked them. I really don't like SSRI's and don't want to go back on them.

I've seen two different doctors, neither of which took my questions / concerns seriously. I'd really like to speak to a doctor who knows their stuff regarding TRT. I've heard mixed reports on creams/gels, so I'd like to go with the injectable route.

Is anyone able to help? I'm really at a loss and don't know where to go from here.
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13 isn't that low to be honest.
What was Free Test, LH, FSH, etc?

Not sure off the top of my head, I have the paperwork at home and can check when I knock off work.
My GP was hesitant to even do the test, had to ask nearly half a dozen times before he got around to it.
I can't remember the reference range, but i think its 8-28 so if you're 13 that's sorta in the middle.
The other numbers Free Test, LH, FSH, etc will help confirm
If you paste them all here, someone smart might be be able to help work it all out
I can't remember the reference range, but i think its 8-28 so if you're 13 that's sorta in the middle.
The other numbers Free Test, LH, FSH, etc will help confirm
If you paste them all here, someone smart might be be able to help work it all out

Thanks mate, will post all the info I have asap
Not sure anyone would consider it at 13. Best off just doing it yourself. 300mg/week will make you feel amazing
Not sure anyone would consider it at 13. Best off just doing it yourself. 300mg/week will make you feel amazing

Wish I could but the cost prevents me from doing so. Wish I could get my hands on some raw materials so I could homebrew. And that it was legal.
You'd want to be pretty sure of needing it at 26. Got a long way of your life left yet to start it that young.
Sometimes the doc knows best
Tried that. Several times. I made this post because I've exhausted all other avenues.

if you think shooting a bit of test is going to fix all your problems, thats probably something you should also discuss with your therapist.

what was your estrogen level?
I'd love to have test of 13.

If you have low libido, you might be gay. Try watching some gay porn and see if that helps.