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The police ministers and John Howard should get together and unilaterally decide to ban all semi-automatic assault-style trucks. Think of public safety. Think about the children/puppies/dolphins.
Had to laugh at the popular media describing the "gunman" driving a truck through the people in Nice. Wouldn't that make him a "truckman" ?
Yeah I don't know why any law abiding driver could possibly need an automatic truck that can shift through 18 gears before stopping.
Careful pointing out the fact that evil intent is evil intent irregardless of the tool used there bud, some people would rather have you think that limiting civilian access to firearms is the answer to social problems.
When I said how about leaving them to it, I mean the US stops pursuing failed foreign policy and destabilizing Middle Eastern countries or removing their tin pot dictators to install their own at an inordinate cost, lives lost and a hostile civilian population. History shows that the Yanks aren't the best at winning hearts and minds.
When I said how about leaving them to it, I mean the US stops pursuing failed foreign policy and destabilizing Middle Eastern countries or removing their tin pot dictators to install their own at an inordinate cost, lives lost and a hostile civilian population. History shows that the Yanks aren't the best at winning hearts and minds.
There's literally nothing wrong with being a 'redneck'.
[MENTION=6618]spartacus[/MENTION]; I have a feeling that you're trying to come out as a Communist.