Hmm, good point Hirdy, didn't think of it in such a way. Yes this points out the weakness in my thought process on the subject. I agree that every contentious issue has a 'voice' and can be overly broadcasted at times. I do find contentious issues such as the ones discussed perplexing at times as well. I and allot of others have and continue to use these products, so how do we 'really' know?. My thoughts on this; people are delving into a conspicuous way of thinking, they (we) are becoming more suspicious of our food and those who provide it. I think this is ultimately a very good thing, but somewhere inside, I still think there is ambiguity that is reasoned with less than credible science, so I wouldn't go as far as saying 'alarmist' views are taking place as lots of things are discovered, especially in diets, that science is slow on the uptake....high protein for building muscle would suffice a good example here....I guess we have to 'guess' a bit at times and change our diets and lives according to what we think is relevant at the time. I cannot argue that these things don't worry me, I have kids and want them to eat healthy as much as I want myself to, but I tend to take a balanced approach so as not to 'overly' concern myself. In the end, what else can we do? I know one thing for sure, milk ain't milk anymore, its watered down shit with frig knows what they water it down with, my suspicions are it probebly isn't as good for you as it was ..say...20yrs ago, I remember full cream milk was thick and tasted nice, now I only really use it with a protein shake as the shake adds flavor.