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Just what I thought. Nothing at all. No worries Joel.

Do I really need to find reasons why not to drink alcholol to prove u wrong? is that what your saying? LOL MATE have you got any idea about weight training and nutrition...have you never looked at the basics of these things.....its not even worth my time if your trying to fight with me and saying drinking is fine and has no effect on your bodyfat or trying to increase/maintain muscle mass....
Mate just type into google effects of drinking while training and/or dieting and you'll get 1000's of pages.

Try find me something that says drinking while training and/or dieting will have no negative effect.....id love to see that lol
Mate at the end of the day its the results in the gym.....and bro I know im out working you and out dieting you so I dont give a shit
You'll have better success cutting on VB light.

Joel, drinking or not it's not going to make much difference, over the long haul it will effect you.
Lol. Because you know anything about my results.

As ive said before bro...post some pics or some videos of your lifts and i'll shut up....I can tell by your posts that I out work in in all aspects of lifting and nutrition....your ideas on training and nutrition are for the avg joe/lazy man..because they are not willing to put in the effort so u come up with an easy way of doing things and call it a science.
At the end of the day....u should not be drinking while cutting...if you cant stop drinking for acouple of months then maybe this game isnt for u...
Joel you have posted nothing at all why you can't drink and cut at the same time Not one thing at all. Its just because Joel says so, like with most of your posts.

You have no clue how I train and its very funny that you think you do.

U must be mad because I don't follow all the bodybuilding myth that floats around and still get results.

My cut is going great yet I am still able to drink and dont have to eat 100% clean. I'm also still getting stronger and am closing in on a 3 x bodyweight deadlift.

Haters gonna hate.

Its coz I dont need to post anything...like I said just google anything about drinking and training and you'll get 1000's of pages of how negative it is...plus its commen knowledge...its commen knowledge that drinking is bad full stop regardless off training or not....dont understand how u dont understand this...have u been living under a rock??

Ok bro. What ever bro Joel says.

I will just keep doing what works if you don't mind.

U mad.
Dont be mad Joel that I can get results without following all the horse shit bodybuilding bro sience.
Are you just trying to gee joel up bazza?

I myself dont drink and wont while im training properly, why? because of my beliefs (not religious in this case). I dont need science to back me up cause i dont care about science. Here are my reasons for not drinking.

1) I dont see the point in having 1 or 2 beers or spirits, it doesnt taste good enough (My Opinion) to substitute it for water/juice/milk to have with my meals

2) If im drinking, im drinking to be drunk. Whats that mean? A day/night of bad nutrition, skipped meals, skipped sleep etc.

3) As above, if ive had a big night the last thing i want to do is go train. That means 1 or 2 days where i will skip the gym.

All in all, i think that regardless of what science or studies have proven, whats associated with drinking alcohol (for me) is not a suitable liftstyle to have while im training. If you can consume alcohol and maintain a strict diet and good sleeping pattern then by all means continue doing so.
No I'm not just trying to gee Joel up. Joel just makes blanket statements with nothing at all but the boys at the gym say it's so to back it up.

An example is you cannot cut if you are going to have a drink at all.

Other have been.
Carbs are bad
You need to eat 10 meals a Day to get results
Steak is better than chicken
Sweet potato is better than potato
You have to eat clean all the time

Just bodybuilding bullshit.

I will continue to do what works and get results, this makes Joel mad.