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Age and bodybuilding


New member
I think its a given that age does make a difference to gains. For example an 18 year old and a 30 year old with similar genetics and training as hard as each other - the 18 year old would see better/quicker gains right?

Question is why? Is it testosterone levels?

FYI I'm 32 and trying to start... again...
I imagine the difference would be that the younger guy could the same amount of lean muscle mass (at least the same amount) without gaining as much body fat in the process. The guys in year 12 at my gym seem to get so big, yet maintain reasonable vascularity (although at least one is a little too vascular).

To be honest the difference between someone about 20 and someone about 30 is mostly in their head.

People hit 30 and start to think they are getting old and don't try as hard.

32 is not old and you have heaps of ability for gains left.
I'm 43, restarted training at 41, still gaining strength and muscle. The thing that gets in your way at 32 is work and family, not your body
Age is only really relative to how hard you've been living.

I'm 30 but have banged the fuck out of my body and carry more niggling injuries then most 60 year olds. I think I am more in tune and get better results now then I did in my 20's.
I'm 43, restarted training at 41, still gaining strength and muscle. The thing that gets in your way at 32 is work and family, not your body

Exactly what I was thinking. An 18 year old has fuck all to worry about. Got all the time in the day to eat and hit the gym. As you get older, more responsibility and less time to do other shit.
I supose hormones will play a little roll .. higher testosterone at a younger age .. i supose a 30 year old generally has more stress, family , mortgage, job meaning more cortisol.

but having said that. Now that i am 30 i notice that the gains in muscle i make are much different to when i was 18. . at 18 seemed smoother although i had a lower BF% now i am much bigger but no where near as lean though my muslce hang beter and have a grainier appearance (apart from abs)... is this what they call muscle matureity?
being training since 19-20.

Best bench press, along with other lifts, at age 34-38. Bench press still 93% of max at age 49 (2011).

I still dream i can beat it in next few years, so that is what i am aiming for.
being training since 19-20.

Best bench press, along with other lifts, at age 34-38. Bench press still 93% of max at age 49 (2011).

I still dream i can beat it in next few years, so that is what i am aiming for.

Hope you do - I'll watch out for it!

The example of the 18 and 30 as in comparing one person to another is never good measure of comparison.

There should absolutely no difference between you at 18 or at 30, as long as you have taken care and exercised safely to start with, this will determine how well you go picking up the iron again at 30 and continue into your senior years, 60~70.

With regard to your genes, our bodies are just carriers of our genes and it is the genes that wire our brains and shape our bodies to their purposes.

It's why we think of sex so much.

But I reckon (and this might go over the heads of some young people)the key is maintaining a youthful body composition, high hormone sensitivity and the right activity patterns and levels, because our genes don't know how old we are.
Going hungry sometimes could signal our genes to turn on the repair and maintenance mechanisms, just some strategies I'm using as a tool to last a little longer.

As an aside, Once you stop thinking about sex I reckon your genes will start deserting the vessel.

It sucks getting older, especially if you stop moving.

Wise Bazza is quite correct about it.
There is always something getting in the way of training properly. The 18 year old wants to drink and chase women, the 30 year old is dealing with the real world and possibly a wife and kids and then much later there is a psychological obstacle because people think it is too late.

It comes down to getting your priorities straight. If you want it you will get it.

At 32 you haven't even hit your prime yet so get into it.
I feel injuries, and recovery (family, job, life stresses) are the biggest hurdles when older

Inexperience, and dedication are the biggest problems when younger.
Using the excuse of Family, life's stresses and job is a cop out.

When your young, your bullet proof, your body is growing, it's actually 30 where all the action is and results from building the body can be literally astounding.

It only needs a minimum of 2 sessions a week for 30 minutes a workout for most.
I think that the difference between 18 and 30, is outside influences on your hormone levels. When you are 18 you have nothing to stress you out and you don't have to look after anyone but yourself. Fast forward to 30 and you have a wife, kids, mortgage, more responsibility at work. That can all mess with your hormones in a negative way.
I have just started playing with my diet and doing all I can to make my hormone profile the way it should be and I am feeling the best I have in years. Hitting PR's and injury free.
Men in their 30s & 40s always seem to have bigger chests and are generally more vascular.. (on tv)
To be honest the difference between someone about 20 and someone about 30 is mostly in their head.

People hit 30 and start to think they are getting old and don't try as hard.

32 is not old and you have heaps of ability for gains left.

I like the way you think but I do still feel old though. It is taking longer to recover from sessions and I tire more easily.

Maybe its a testosterone deficiency in my case? :O
If a 20 yo gains more and quicker than a 30 yo its only because a 20 yo will bounce back quicker after a huge work out, on the other side of the coin a 30 yo is more likely to stick at it and/or be more consistent so in a few months the 30 yo will be bigger anyway. Im 42 in a week and a bit, Ive working out on and off for near 10 years, Im bigger and stronger than Ive ever been, I also train harder than I ever have. 10 years ago if me at 30 and a 20 yo bloke started training, I doubt by now he would still be doing it, 30 - 40 is when you have kids at school, car repayments, house insurance, your priorities change, piss ups and parties become less and less common, life takes over, for me starting at 30 was the prime time, it became a hobby.