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Advice regarding supplements

What kind of testosterone tablets?
Terstosterone tablets are steroids?

You need to be careful what your mate tells you.
Yeah thanks for the advice Shrek, thats why I thought I would ask the questions to guys like yourself. Just anything under the Testosterone tab on the A1supplements site.
Off the shelf testosetoner suppliments possibly have no if any effect.

For actual effect i would seek a professioan traditional chinese herbalist or natropath who has experience with herbs that increase LH and FSH natropaths and trianed in physioogy and anatomy these days so they do understand what is going on (the good ones anyway) you would be supprised what herbs can increase GnRH!
Yeah I think sometimes its just a mental thing and people often think that it is helping them when actually it isn't doing anything at all. Cheers for the info again guys its all very helpful!
Though ill just add 1 thing that stuck out when i was browsing other forums for info today..

So true//