On the last day for the year, today we had some quizzes, one on the heart, respiratory and digestive systems, one on the health and fitness assessment, and the last on postural assessment. I just stuffed up on the heart, I mean muscles and posture, if you remember some of it you can just move yourself around a bit and figure out the rest. But the vena cava and pulmonary artery and which has deoxogenated blood and... you just have to memorise it all.
This afternoon we were supposed to come up with an outdoor work with just one piece of equipment each, medicine balls, dumbells, plates or therabands, our choice. We were told that we had to have one legs, one pull and one push exercise.
"Where we're going, are there fences and things?" I asked.
"Okay I don't need anything then."
"Still grab a medicine ball or something."
My regular training partner was with one guy in the class, not the sharpest tool in the shed but a decent guy. He grabbed... little pink 0.5kg dumbells. She was insulted and pissed off, and rightly so. I guess he wasn't listening when she was talking about doing Tabata thrusters with 6kg dumbells, squatting her bodyweight for a heap of reps, or putting half her bodyweight overhead.
Most were in pairs, we had odd numbers so I was in a group of three. The other two are always hanging out together, so when the guy was instructing the woman kept laughing and stopping and resting. The teacher wandering around was not well-pleased and said, "When you swap around, Kyle I want you to be the instructor for both, she can have a second session."
I warmed them up with star jumps, "Two minutes... go!" Thirty seconds in she started laughing and stopped. "You're resting? So you'll have more energy, another 30 seconds for you." She did it again. "Awesome, up to three minutes now. The other guy is going to fall asleep waiting for you to finish."
She ended up doing four minutes, and had stopped laughing
I put them through another 25 minutes, pushing them, making sure it was just on the edge of what they were capable of. For example, the woman knocked out 20 knee pushups easily, so obviously she could do several full pushups. "But I can't -"
"Sure you can, just try."
I went a bit Army-style, and got them to do the exercises in tandem, on my command. "Up... down... up!... down... hold it... hold it... up! down!" and so on. If they feel they're doing it together this helps them get through it.
I am slowly developing my own style of doing things. I call it "firm but fair". Like if there's a lift and I'd said, "our goal is 5 reps," and they just managed 4, "okay, that was well done, rest for a bit, give me that 1 you missed plus 1 more for missing it, you are strong and can do it."
No shouting or anything, not my style