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A Natural Bodybuilder's Perspective

Both Brendon and I do compete.
Cool. What BB shows have you done and what did you place?

Remember drugs in BB go a lot further than just 'roids, They use diuretics, insulin, thyroid hormones and HGH amongst others.
Cool. What BB shows have you done and what did you place?

Remember drugs in BB go a lot further than just 'roids, They use diuretics, insulin, thyroid hormones and HGH amongst others.

shrek this isnt a BB thread its not the right place to post this.

thank you!!
Natural bodybuilding is a good niche to fill. Maybe he see's that as an area he'd like to specalize in. by all means, he maybe as natural as a new born baby.
Why is it that whenever someone is big and ripped a lot of people want to immediately jump in and say they can`t be natural?Does it ever occur to you that maybe,just maybe, they train hard,diet strictly and put their whole life into it?

A similar point was raised in another threat. I think it was blbarclay who described it as tall poppy syndrome.

I agree with the others here who say its much better the earn your reward rather than cheating your way to a trophy. My opinion is your physique and the discipline of doings things right both in and out of the gym is the reward for the hard work. So long as you know you have earned it the right way you'll be happy with what you have done and have more respect for yourself and others like you regardless of what others may think or say out of jealousy.
Brendon and Nick compete for strength not 'posing on a stage smothered in oil for other men to look at'
and anyway. if you are not natural you cannot compare anything you do to someone natural . satisfaction plus for beating someone who has been on drugs of some sort. knowing you can beat someone on gear without the use of any would be the best feeling. not so good is the guy on gear beating someone whos natural. must feel real great..... lol
Well you did say men. last time I was at the National Champs there was a sh1tload of women there too.

Can you elaborate on how else I could've interpreted it?
Pretty much my response too Brendon. Calm down Shrek. Men walking around in g strings showing their bare asses off. If it wasnt a 'competition' it would be a gay bar.

I respect whoever can do BB, it takes a lot effort and mental discipline to do it. Not my cup of tea though.

Any woman who finds juiced up roid munchers 'attractive' needs their head read though.
"Men walking around in g strings showing their bare asses off. If it wasnt a 'competition' it would be a gay bar." HAHHHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAH so true. im same as bluey. much respect to those who do it though.
This thread points out exactly what I was talking about in the other thread, there is a very DISTINCT difference between natural & drug using body builders.

Although I would judge neither since I have friends that are into that. I just hate the ones that put up vids or claim to be natural, to me I look at that and think they are only claiming to be for a laugh or something. Or just diluded.

On a side note I also have mates that do weights sometimes but arent fully into health//fitness that believe using any sort of supplement is "not natural" I guess it's where you draw the line.
are you still natural if you use creatine? What about glutamine? Sure their amino acids and not hormones. But it's adding additional fuel to the fire that is not naturally produced.

it's not 'natural' for the body to regulate 25g of creatine a day. What's 'natural' is having 2-3g. I"m not saying those that use creatine are somewhat chemicly enhanced...more just pointing out that there are possible different lines when it comes to how natural you are. A guy at my gym the other week was deadlifting 220 for 4 easy reps. He had the cheek to boast how natural he was. He was clearly as natural as a vial of T
A guy at my gym the other week was deadlifting 220 for 4 easy reps. He had the cheek to boast how natural he was. He was clearly as natural as a vial of T

Are you suggesting a lifter couldn't rep 220's without assistance? Are you basing this on anything in particular?

Come on diesel, you should know by now: everyone weaker than me is a pussy, everyone stronger than me is on steroids.