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A few workout questions


New member
Okay well I have a few questions...

1 - PTC workout opinion

I have been doing the beginner PTC program for about 12 weeks, I have seen good gains considering my food intake etc (as I am trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time). The problem I am having is the duration to complete all the exercises...

It takes me on average about 10 - 15mins per exercise to warmup and complete my working sets, you then x that by 6 exercises so I am in the gym well over an hour if I would like to stretch before and after properly...

Just wondering what I should change?

Should I do the compound exercises - Squat, bench, dead - M/W/F

And do the accesory sort of work - Row, Press, Curls - Tue/Thur/Sat?

Or any other combination possibly?

Would I benefit more from doing this or am I more suceptible to plateuing from overloading?

2 - HIIT training

I have been doing HIIT 3 times a week through sprints, stair runs etc.

Though I am finding it is hindering my progress in the gym quite a lot as I experienced today (my legs were just caning whilst stretching let alone doing my working set)

Look forwared to any responses...

If you are still progressing on PTC beginner, stick with it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
If you are still progressing on PTC beginner, stick with it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

It's just my energy levels seem to be going down (I have narrowed it down to pre/post nutrition or overall food intake) so thought if I split it up to shorter sessions more frequently I will have more fuel in the tank to push out bigger numbers...?

Is this the right idea or should I just stick with it and work on food intake?

If your energy levels are down then look towards your diet and rest / recovery.
It might be an idea after 12 consecutive weeks of training ( or more) to take a week off to recharge. This will work wonders.
If your energy levels are down then look towards your diet and rest / recovery.
It might be an idea after 12 consecutive weeks of training ( or more) to take a week off to recharge. This will work wonders.

To tell you the truth even when I have my Sat/Sun off I feel like a fat lard and need to do something and my lifts are weaker on Monday's AFTER rest...

I think I just need to lay off the HIIT Monday to Friday and do HIIT on a Saturday or something...

I am hoping it is my pre/post workout nutrition...
Think about it, losing fat is using your bodies reserves as fuel, recovery is having enough fuel to replenish your body. Two different spectrums. You can instead look at a little less weight loss and a bit more recovery, drop some workouts or increase your food intake (I would say drop 1 to 2 HIIT).
Do u want to grow get strong or loose fat?

You want it all and you want it now...

Don't label me as the WANT IT NOW type lol. And yes I do want both... I don't want to be big and strong if I am fat enough to not be able to take my shirt off at the beach, that just defeats the purpose in my eyes as I have a different goal to just purely strength based goals, don't get me wrong I would love to be able to deadlift 200kg, bench 120 and squat 180 but if that means my body fat percentage would be at 40% I would rather settle for decent strength numbers and a reasonable BF%...

And reading posts about how muscle per weight burns only 30% more than fat or something like that doesn't motivate me enough to eat liek a beast and lift heavy when in reality I will put on even more fat... That is why my goal is to eat my maintenance attempting to put on as much muscle and as little body fat as possible...
........And take forever doing it

I have been there before and i know how hard it is and how confusing it is..

I have tried all sorts of things. And have the pics to prove it...

Now you tell me if any of these look better then i do now?

Btw i ate 2kg of pork today.

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After awhile I was feeling the same and to shorten my workouts I did them like this:

Squat, bench press, bent row, dips
Squat, military press, deadlift, chins

Squats are the most important so do them every session, you dont want it too short so this is why I put some dips and chins in.

It was good for awhile but I now much prefer to follow the ptc routine since I have come back from a break.

My advice would be to listen to others, if you are eating and resting enough, you shouldnt be getting tried, im eating better than I was and not getting tired now, feel great during and after the session!

I think I done something to my lower back today which doesn't feel good at all which was due to speeding up the deadlift warmup to finish faster... It's just it takes me 1.5hrs for a good session which sometimes is a little hard to find...

I am going to need to lift heavy regardless wether I am trying to lose fat or gain muscle so I am sticking with it.